Laboratory Experiment “Impressions of Organizational Responses to Whistleblower Accusations” – Decker & Calo Dependent Variables: 1) Respondents’ ratings of Firm 2) Respondents’ ratings of Whistleblower Independent Variables: 1) Customer: Individuals vs. Govt. Agencies 2) Company Product: Tires vs. Paint 3) Firm Admits Guilt vs. Firm Denies 4) Whistleblower is Fired vs. Not Fired
Laboratory Experiment Results: Ratings of the Firm 1) Customer: Individuals vs. Govt. Agencies Difference Not Significant 2) Product: Tires vs. Paint Tire company rated lower 3) Firm Admits Guilt vs. Firm Denies 4) Whistleblower is Fired vs. Not Fired Variables 3 and 4 Interacted (effect of one depends on the level of the other) ---Firm rated highest when Admitting Guilt AND not firing the Whistleblower (Equally low with the other 3 combinations)
Individual Differences B = f (P,E) (Behavior is a function of the person and the environment.) (Behavior is a function of the person and the environment.) The Person:The Environment: Skills & Abilities Organization Skills & Abilities Organization Personality Work Group Personality Work Group Perception Job Perception Job Attribution Personal Life Attribution Personal Life Values Values Ethics Ethics Motives Motives
Why is the study of Individual Differences of interest to managers? l Selection l Placement l Training l Motivation l Leadership
Personality l Internal State l Uniqueness l Consistency l Stability
Personality Theories l Developmental Stage (Psychodynamic) »(Freud, etc.) l Trait-Based »e.g., Neurotic, Extraversion, Authoritarian l Motive-Based »e.g., Achievement, Affiliation, Power (McClelland) l Belief-Based »e.g., Internal vs. External Locus of Control
Personality Theory: The Big Five Traits: uConscientiousness u Careful, persevering. uAgreeableness u Likable, care about others. uNeuroticism (vs. Emotional Stability) u Neurotics are often nervous, critical of others, and feel angry with others and themselves. uOpenness to Experience u Flexible, with broad interests. uExtraversion (vs. Introversion) u Sociable, friendly.
The Big Five & Performance l Conscientiousness and Emotional Stability »Strongest personality predictors of performance l Extroversion »Linked to sales and mgt performance l Agreeableness »Better performance in jobs requiring cooperation and helpfulness l Openness to experience »Linked to higher creativity and adaptability to change