Ancient Civilizations: Egypt
Geography & Environment
On which continent is Egypt located? On which continent is Egypt located? Africa; in the northeastern region Africa; in the northeastern region The Geography
On which river did the ancient Egyptians settle? On which river did the ancient Egyptians settle? Nile River Nile River WHY?? WHY?? The Geography
The Nile provided a small strip of fertile land in the middle of a desert The Nile provided a small strip of fertile land in the middle of a desert Annual flood; The Gift of the Nile Annual flood; The Gift of the Nile
Religion & Government
Polytheism:Polytheism: The worship of many godsThe worship of many gods Worshipped gods and goddessesWorshipped gods and goddesses Egyptian Religion
Primary Egyptian Gods:Primary Egyptian Gods: Re – the Sun godRe – the Sun god Osiris – the god of the DeadOsiris – the god of the Dead Isis – the goddess of womenIsis – the goddess of women
Who is this?
Egyptian Government Theocracy:Theocracy: Type of gov’t in which rule is based upon religious authorityType of gov’t in which rule is based upon religious authority
Egyptian Government Pharaoh, Pharaoh…Pharaoh, Pharaoh… Egyptians believed that their kings, or pharaohs, WERE godsEgyptians believed that their kings, or pharaohs, WERE gods Pharaohs were VERY POWERFUL!Pharaohs were VERY POWERFUL! Ruled religion, government & militaryRuled religion, government & military
What is Ka? Egyptians believed that the Pharaohs possessed an eternal life force, also known as kaEgyptians believed that the Pharaohs possessed an eternal life force, also known as ka
What is Ka? Ka allowed pharaohs to rule for all of eternity; therefore, their tombs were even more important than their palaces on earthKa allowed pharaohs to rule for all of eternity; therefore, their tombs were even more important than their palaces on earth
Pyramids Pyramids:Pyramids: Tombs for the PharaohsTombs for the Pharaohs Built out of limestone, granite & stoneBuilt out of limestone, granite & stone
The Great Pyramid at Giza
The only surviving wonder of the ancient world, Egypt's pyramid of Cheops takes up 13 acres of land, and overlooks the neighboring pyramids belonging to this pharaoh's son and grandson. Experts speculate it took one hundred thousand laborers roughly 20 years to build the pyramid of Cheops aloneThe only surviving wonder of the ancient world, Egypt's pyramid of Cheops takes up 13 acres of land, and overlooks the neighboring pyramids belonging to this pharaoh's son and grandson. Experts speculate it took one hundred thousand laborers roughly 20 years to build the pyramid of Cheops alone
Northern Entrance
The Sphinx
Egyptian Culture Strong belief in the afterlifeStrong belief in the afterlife Believed that the final judgment occurred at deathBelieved that the final judgment occurred at death Does your heart weigh more than a feather?Does your heart weigh more than a feather?
Weighing of the Heart
Mummification Reserved for royals & elitesReserved for royals & elites What is mummification?What is mummification? A technique that involved embalming & drying the corpse to prevent it from decayingA technique that involved embalming & drying the corpse to prevent it from decaying
Mummification “First, they draw out the brains through the nostrils with an iron hook…Then with a sharp stone they make an incision in the side, and take out all the bowels…Then, having filled the belly with pure myrrh, cassia, and other perfumes, they sew it up again; and when they have done this they steep it in natron (mineral salt), leaving it under for 70 days…At the end of 70 days, they wash the corpse, and wrap the whole body in bandages of waxen cloth.” - Herodotus“First, they draw out the brains through the nostrils with an iron hook…Then with a sharp stone they make an incision in the side, and take out all the bowels…Then, having filled the belly with pure myrrh, cassia, and other perfumes, they sew it up again; and when they have done this they steep it in natron (mineral salt), leaving it under for 70 days…At the end of 70 days, they wash the corpse, and wrap the whole body in bandages of waxen cloth.” - Herodotus
Mummification Horrible Histories: Awful Egyptians, “The Mummy Song”Horrible Histories: Awful Egyptians, “The Mummy Song”
Mummification Coffins were filled with items that could be used in the afterlife such as clothing, food, cosmetics & jewelryCoffins were filled with items that could be used in the afterlife such as clothing, food, cosmetics & jewelry
Book of the Dead Book of hymns, prayers & magic spells that were intended to guide the soul in the afterlifeBook of hymns, prayers & magic spells that were intended to guide the soul in the afterlife Placed in the coffinPlaced in the coffin
Great to be an Egyptian? A social hierarchy did exist in Egypt; however, one was not locked into his or her social classA social hierarchy did exist in Egypt; however, one was not locked into his or her social class Possible to change status via marriage, personal success, etc.Possible to change status via marriage, personal success, etc.
Royal RoyalFamily Upper Class: Priests, Army, Gov’t Middle Class: Merchants and Artisans Lower Class: Peasant Farmers and Laborers
The Importance of Writing Earliest form of writing was the pictographEarliest form of writing was the pictograph Later developed into hieroglyphicsLater developed into hieroglyphics
The Importance of Writing In hieroglyphics:In hieroglyphics: Images stand for ideas, as well as for soundsImages stand for ideas, as well as for sounds The image of an OWL stands for the m sound, as well as for the bird itselfThe image of an OWL stands for the m sound, as well as for the bird itself
The Rosetta Stone