The kingdom of ancient Egypt lasted almost 3,000 years. Started about 3,500 B.C. to about 30 B.C.
Historians divide the history of ancient Egypt into three long periods-the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom.
One ancient name for Egypt was Kemet, meaning “black land,” because of the rich black soil along the Nile River.
The original capital of ancient Egypt was Memphis, located near the site of present day Cairo, Egypt’s current capital.
Most men were farmers. Other careers included craftsmen, tomb builder, soldier and priest.
The drink of choice was beer-even for children.
They used honey as a sweetener since they did not have sugar.
Most boys and girls married between the ages of 12 and 14.
Storytelling was very popular. Cinderella is an Egyptian story.
Children played with dolls, balls, board games. Carved ivory animals and wooden horses on wheels pulled by a string.
Men and women wore jewlery such as necklaces, bracelets and bands on their arms and legs
Men and women shaved their heads and wore wigs of human hair
Until age 12 boys had their heads shaved except 1 lock of hair called “lock of youth”
Used makeup to protect skin from the sun.
Government Egyptians gave us the first known national government.
Government In the 1500s people started calling the king “pharaoh.”
All of Egypt belonged to the pharaoh.
People though pharaohs had superhuman powers and that their crown could shoot flames.
There was no actual money in Egypt so they had to exchange goods or barter.
Religion Priests had to wash several times a day and remove all hairs from their bodies.
Priests could not wear wool or sandals made of leather. They were thought to be unclean.
Priests treated the statues of the gods like real people. They washed them, dressed them and put makeup on them.
Gods were believed to have human traits. They ate, had emotions, gave birth, had families, and died.
As soon as a new king took the throne, we ordered an architect to begin working on his tomb.