Copyright Linda Ehley & Kelly Talley, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author.
Digital/e-Portfolios & Learning: From Mosaic to Kaleidoscope – Static to Dynamic EDUCAUSE Midwest Regional March 2005 Linda Ehley Kelly Talley
Overview What are digital portfolios? What are the terms, types and purposes? What are the trends with respect to electronic portfolios? What is Alverno’s Diagnostic Digital Portfolio? How can electronic portfolios assist students in analyzing their patterns of learning? What are some benefits/challenges we have found in using the DDP?
What are Digital/e-Portfolios? Creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing artifacts, information, and ideas about teaching and/or learning A collection of artifacts that are stored electronically –For example – on the Web
Characteristics of Digital Portfolios Portfolios can feature multiple examples of work Portfolios can be context rich Portfolios can offer opportunities for selection and self assessment Portfolios can offer a look at development over time Assessing the Portfolio: Principles for Practice, Theory and Research ( Liz Hamp-Lyons
What Are the Types? Institution –Program Assessment –Course Assessment –Faculty Assessment Faculty –Teaching Assessment –Course Assessment –Personal Growth/Reflection Student –Student Learning –Evaluation/grading –Showcase
What are the Trends? To HAVE a Digital Portfolio! Technology –Portfolios have been around in other than digital format for many years - Electronic/digital provides easy access Public Relations –Better understanding of student learning in higher education Accreditation Documentation –Teacher Education programs
What is Alverno’s DDP? Diagnostic Digital Portfolio – Student Learning Portfolio A cumulative yet selective record of an individual student’s academic work that is electronically assessable. Main purpose - to assist students in analyzing their patterns of learning A mirror to reflect her learning thus far and a map to chart where she is going
Alverno College One of about 75 women’s colleges Ability-based curriculum Two time frames: Weekday, Weekend About 2200 students with a high level of ethnic diversity Majors with largest enrollment: –Business and Management; Education; Nursing, Professional Communication/ CMT; Social Sciences/Psychology/CLD
Eight Abilities Communication Analysis Problem Solving Valuing in Decision- Making Social Interaction Global Perspectives Effective Citizenship Aesthetic Engagement
It’s not about the technology … …it’s about learning
Diagnostic - analyzing the cause or nature of a situation Digital - readable and manipulable by computer Portfolio - a collection representative of a person’s work
Organization Organized by Matrices –Eight Abilities –Advanced Outcomes of the Major/Minors –Wisconsin Educational Standards and Content Guidelines Key Performance –Title, Description and Criteria –Self Assessment/Reflection –Faculty Feedback –May contain: Student work Video Other Files
Learning Mosaic
Take a step back and reflect
Learning Kaleidoscope Digital Portfolios can form the framework
Benefits Makes teaching and learning more public Provide specific places in curriculum for reflecting on prior work and setting goals – integrating moments Increase computer literacy among faculty and students –Actual “purpose” for using technology Assist students/faculty in “seeing” learning development Improve quality of self assessment/reflection
Challenges Makes teaching and learning more public Requires understanding of student learning and assessment Requires multiple levels of training –Training on basic “how to” –Training on why, when and for what purpose –Training on how to integrate into teaching and learning Must have time and space for reflection and analysis of learning development
A Look At the DDP