RAILINC I ACACSO Car Hire Liability File Mark Aldenderfer ACACSO November 14,
RAILINC I ACACSO Today’s agenda Background of CHLF Current CHLF What’s ahead for CHLF 2
RAILINC I ACACSO Background of CHLF In 2007, CHLF was developed by Railinc and a Class I railroad CHLF was created as alternative to processing LCS TRAIN messages 3
RAILINC I ACACSO Background of CHLF By 2014, two versions of CHLF will exist 4 Version One Provides total hours of time liability Version Two Provides total hours of time liability Breaks liability into loaded and empty cycles Includes CHARM rates Includes miles traveled based on railroad-reported events CASS visibility
RAILINC I ACACSO How does CHLF fit with centralized car hire? Provides foundation for CCH Allows for ease of future rule automation 5
RAILINC I ACACSO Why use CHLF? Reduces claims: The more railroads that use the file, the greater the reduction Reduces internal processing: No need for LCS TRAIN messages CHLF is easy to read and understand Visibility in CASS 6
RAILINC I ACACSO Why use CHLF? Calculates railroads car hire payable hours Shows car hire receivable hours as a car owner All in one easy-to-understand file 7
RAILINC I ACACSO How is CHLF created? CHLF uses: – Evaluated interchanges along with Rule 15 and Rule 5 TOLs – Suppressed interchanges and reported haulage moves – Previous month’s file to determine the start of the current month 8
RAILINC I ACACSO What does CHLF show? Each record calculates total hours of liability Each record contains: – Car owner, possession and liable railroads – Start liability fields – End liability fields – Total hours 9
RAILINC I ACACSO Equipment information in CHLF Field NameField Description Equipment OwnerMark of the company that owns the equipment Equipment InitialEquipment initial Equipment NumberEquipment number Possession RoadRailroad that has possession of the car Liable RoadRailroad or car owner that is liable for car hire Total Hours LiableTotal number of car hire liable hours 10
RAILINC I ACACSO Start liability information in CHLF Field NameField Description Start CodeDescription on what started time liability (for example, LCS) Start Type CodeFurther description on the start of liability (for example, V) Start TimeWhen time liability starts: YYYYMMDDHHMM Start HourHour in the month that time liability starts Start RoadRailroad that time liability is starting Start LocationSPLC of where time liability started Start L/E StatusLoad/empty status of the car when time liability starts 11
RAILINC I ACACSO End liability information in CHLF Field NameField Description End CodeDescription on what ended time liability (for example, LCS) End Type CodeFurther description on the end of liability (for example, V) End TimeWhen time liability ends: YYYYMMDDHHMM End HourHour in the month that time liability ends End RoadRailroad that time liability is ending End LocationSPLC of where time liability ended End L/E StatusLoad/empty status of the car when time liability ends 12
RAILINC I ACACSO What’s ahead for CHLF? After CHLF expansion project CHLF will be enhanced to include: – Loaded and empty cycles – Available CHARM rate – Mileage – Car Hire Rule 4 13
RAILINC I ACACSO What’s ahead for CHLF? Added information will allow CHLF to provide even more value – State mile file will be available CHLF takes car hire data and turns it into easy to understand information that can be used to make CHDX payable records 14
RAILINC I ACACSO Benefits of CHLF CHLF estimate files – Weekly estimate files – Still waits 120 hours for LCS – Monthly estimate file (one month in arrears) CHLF estimates will contain all available information including reported Rule 5 TOLs 15
RAILINC I ACACSO What is CHLF schedule? Weekly estimates (current month) – Every Tuesday after 10 th of month and not last day of month Last weekly estimate – First day of every month – Contains most recent information from prior month 16
RAILINC I ACACSO What is CHLF schedule? Final monthly estimate – Every 7 th of month – Final estimate is a monthly file one month arrears Ex: November final estimate is October car hire month 17
RAILINC I ACACSO What is CHLF schedule? Actual monthly – Sent on the 1 st of every month – Actual file is a monthly file two months in arrears Ex: November actual is September car hire month 18
RAILINC I ACACSO Major takeaways CHLF is an easy-to-understand format providing car hire information CHLF enables estimation of car hire in the current month Reduces car hire claims Reduces processing costs Visibility in CASS 19
RAILINC I ACACSO Questions? 20