Proper Short Answer Style Notes 1. Take out your “Essential Questions” sheet. 2. Take out a sheet of lined paper. 3. Make sure to head it: Your Name Mr. Schreiber World History Period Date 4. Title it: “Proper Short Answer Style Notes” 5. Take excellent notes and guard them with your life. 1. Take out your “Essential Questions” sheet. 2. Take out a sheet of lined paper. 3. Make sure to head it: Your Name Mr. Schreiber World History Period Date 4. Title it: “Proper Short Answer Style Notes” 5. Take excellent notes and guard them with your life.
Proper Short Answer Style Notes 1. Introduction Juicy/Specific Supporting Details 3. Conclusion
Proper Short Answer Style Notes 1. Introduction: -The Introduction should restate/echo the question asked. -It is introducing what you will be talking about.
Proper Short Answer Style Notes Juicy/Specific Supporting Details: -You should have 2-3 Juicy/Specific Supporting Details. -Each Juicy/Specific Detail Supporting is an example providing support for your introduction. -Generally, you put your strongest detail last, weakest first.
Proper Short Answer Style Notes Use transitions to connect your Juicy/Specific Supporting Details. Ex’s: 1. First, Second, Third. 2. First, Second, Lastly. Next, Then, Additionally, In addition, Also, Furthermore.
Proper Short Answer Style Notes 3. Conclusion -Your conclusion sums up what you just covered. -It is also known as a “closing sentence.”
Let’s try answering the first essential question together. Make sure you are either 1. TAKING MY EXAMPLES or 2. CHALLENGE: WRITING YOUR OWN
Introduction The Introduction should restate the question posed: 1. What were the causes for the expansion of Islam? Write down one or all of my examples! ex’s. -There were many causes for the expansion of Islam -The causes for the expansion of Islam were many. -The expansion of Islam was brought about by a few different causes.
Juicy/Specific Details You should have 2-3 Juicy/Specific Details.: 1. What were the causes for the expansion of Islam? Write down one or all of my examples, use transitions! ex’s. -Islam was spread to new lands outside of Arabia as a result of a series of successful wars. -Arab merchants spread Islam by sharing Islamic customs and beliefs while traveling to trade goods with other countries.
Conclusion Your conclusion sums up what you just covered. 1. What were the causes for the expansion of Islam? Write down one or all of my examples! ex’s. -These are the causes for the expansion of Islam. -These things led to the expansion of Islam. -Islam was expanded as a result of these examples.
Now Try One on Your Own Answer the other essential question using “Proper Short Answer Style” 2. What were the effects of the expansion of Islam? Remember: 1. Introduction Juicy/Specific Supporting Details 3. Conclusion
Now Try One on Your Own The effects of the expansion of Islam created a huge impact on the early world. One of hte affects was the huge spread from Mecca to the Egyptian, Persian, and Byzantine empires. Another effects was the huge gorwht of Islam as a religion and as a practice. Trade was much easier for Muslims since they had already captured many of the known trade routes of the early world. Because of how important Islam’s expansion was it is obvious that there would be a large amount of effects.
Cordoba/Baghdad Website Sketch Cordoba or Baghdad City Website Sketch Project (100 Point Project) You are a marketing manager designing a website sketch for your city. The website’s purpose is to attract new families from out of the country to your city. Your boss has told you the website must: 1. Be neat and creatively designed 2. Contain four pages with accurate information about what your city has to offer: a. Home Page: Welcomes people to your website and includes: -Map of city -2 images (minimum) of things you might find in the city -A navigation bar b. Employment Page: Information on what jobs are available/2 related images c. Education Page: Information on what educational resources are available/2 related images d. Extras Page: Extra valuable information/2 related images 3. Images may be hand-drawn or downloaded from the internet Your boss will pay you according to the PIE scale P – Presentation is Neat and Creative - 2 points I – Information Is Historically Accurate and Contains Quality Images - 8 points E – Extra Credit for Excellence
Cordoba/Baghdad Website Sketch 1. Silently read and take notes on your section: Cordoba: Holt (Blue Book): page TCI (Red Book): page 106 Baghdad: Holt (Blue Book): page 84 TCI (Red Book): page