WELCOME! Before we begin, prepare an argument for each of the The best movie is ______. The most important math topic is ___. ___________is the best method for solving the system:
ARGUMENT - a statement made with sound reasoning. Every argument has two key parts: CLAIM - the controversial statement being made. WARRANT - the justification for the claim. ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT “My CLAIM is ___________ and my WARRANT is
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #1: Soapbox Debate The best movie is ______. The most important math topic is ___. ___________is the best method for solving the system: Name,
Chris Luzniak Some UA School for Law & Justice
A video of my
Why Debate? Socratic Method Student Centered Critical Thinking skills Questioning skills Public speaking skills Literacy skills Rhetoric skills Research skills Public Speaking skills Evidence skills Note taking skills Refutation skills Critical Pedagogy Skills Teamwork Skills! Civics Current Events Philosophy Critical Theory Critical Thinking Humanities Rhetoric Political Science Economics Debate Across the Curriculum – any subject
Why Debate…in STEM? Meaningfully Engages Large Classes Danielson connections Improves Graduation Rates & College Readiness Common Core connections: CCSS.Math.Practice.MP3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. “students understand and use stated assumptions, definitions, and previously established results in constructing arguments…They justify their conclusions, communicate them to others, and respond to arguments of others.” “students try to communicate precisely to others…they have learned to examine claims and make explicit use of
From Educators… “The use of debate in my classroom has increased the motivation and engagement of my most apathetic students. They love the competitive nature of debate and eagerly delve into texts that they otherwise typically avoid.”-Science Teacher “The work…has helped us close achievement gaps by empowering students to believe in themselves and push beyond [their] limits.” -Superintendent BPS “Debate has inspired students to think more critically about math’s applications in the real world…and about the content itself.” -Math
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #1: Soapbox Debate The best movie is ______. Calculators should be required in class. The most important math topic is ___. ___________is the best method for solving the system: Name,
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #2: Circle Debate Always, Sometimes or Never? Summarize, 1.Max gets a pay raise of 30%. Jim gets a pay raise of 25%. So Max gets the bigger pay raise. 2.When you cut a piece off a shape, you reduce its area and perimeter. 3. and are co-terminal on the Unit Circle.
Activity #3: Point. Counter-point. Would you rather….(a) Have crayons for teeth (b) Have spaghetti for hair Would you rather solve this problem… (a) Using a proportion “ Find 45% of 80 ”(b) Making into a decimal and multiplying ARGUMENT = CLAIM + Claim+Warrant
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #4: Table Debates Team A: It is better to solve by breaking the shape into rectangles. Team B: It is better to solve by finding the large rectangle and subtracting the missing
ARGUMENT = CLAIM + WARRANT Activity #4: Table Debates Side A: Using a reference angle is easier than converting to degrees because… Side B: Converting to degrees is easier than using a reference angle because…
How to
Always / Sometimes / Never Agree / Somewhat Agree / Disagree Should Best/Worst (method, solution…) Biggest/Smallest Most Weirdest/Coolest 1. Write DEBATEABLE Questions
Which problem shows the BEST mistake ?
@PiSpeak 2. Give Structure/ Sentence Starters
3. Make it exciting/personal/engaging
@PiSpeak Make it Debatable
Graph the function
The BEST way to graph a sine function is… (For example, )
Paragraph Debate
1.There are an infinite number of Pythagorean triples (three numbers that work in the Pythagorean theorem). 2. The square root of a number is always smaller than the original
KenKen! 3-2÷9x ÷ 4 For a 4x4 puzzle, fill in with numbers 1-4. Do not repeat a number in any row or column. The numbers in each heavily outlined set of squares, called cages, must combine (in any order) to produce the target number in the top corner of the cage using the mathematical operation indicated. Cages with just one box should be filled in with the target number in the top corner.
A video of my
Contact Me clopendebate.wordpress.com