Parliamentary Procedure Debate Vote My Way!
Debate Enables You To: Inform. Persuade. Inspire. Public speaking skills enable you to effectively “sell” your ideas to others in the assembly.
Rules of Debate The person who made the motion is assigned the floor for debate. No member can speak a time on a motion until all who wish to debate have spoken at least once. Each member can speak a maximum of ---- minutes per debate. Debate must be to the motion.
Rules of Debate No member can speak more than on a motion at the same meeting. Motion maker cannot debate his/her own motion, but may vote against it. Chair should not allow redundant debate. This is done by asking for “ ”
13 Elements of Public Speaking Each of you will be given a slide You must teach the class about the area you received While teaching utilize that element. Show us what the opposite would look like.
Elements of Public Speaking 1. Have a plan: –Make your position clear by using an introduction. –Use middle to give sound, logical evidence. Use personal experiences. Appropriate humor. Believe what you say. Make what you say “distinctive.” Use persuasion and emotions. –Use conclusion to reinforce your position.
Elements of Public Speaking 2. Practice good eye contact –Look squarely in the eyes of as many listeners as possible
Elements of Public Speaking 3. Good posture. –Stand tall, shoulders back, head straight, feet at shoulder width. Stand so audience can see and hear you. –Establish eye contact. –Attention will be focused on you. –Fewer people will make fewer irrelevant comments.
Elements of Public Speaking 4. Use appropriate gestures. –Make them timely, natural, distinct, and big enough to be seen by everyone. 5. Use suitable volume. –Speak loud enough to be easily heard by everyone in the audience. 6. Pronounce and enunciate words correctly. –Correctly pronounce words so you can be understood.
Elements of Public Speaking 7. Utilize accurate language. Words represent ideas. –Avoid filler words such as “uh,” “like,” “ you know,” “yea,” “OK,” etc. 8. Vary the pitch of your voice. –Raise and lower your voice to emphasize key words or phrases. 9. Use force (loudness) to stress points.
Elements of Public Speaking 10. Use descriptions and stories. –Personal experiences or fables bring legitimacy to what is being said. 11. Use legitimate emotions. –Facial expressions, humor, etc make you real. 12. Speak at an appropriate pace. –Don’t talk too fast, don’t talk too slow, use pauses to dramatize your point.
Elements of Public Speaking 13. Smile and exhibit poise –Show excitement, and positive attitude! –Make yourself appear human! Make yourself embarrass proof. This comes from being over prepared!!!
Avoid… Saying “I think that this is a good idea.” Bashing others and their ideas. Sitting before finishing debate. Standing if you don’t have anything to say or are not sure how to present your idea.
Your Beginning Statements
Beginning Statements This idea rocks! I love this motion! This is a great idea! We must pass this motion! Passing this motion is wise because…
Beginning Statements This motion stinks! This motion is rotten! This motion can’t pass…! Fail this motion because…
Lets Practice Students will no longer be able to drive to school. –You will be assigned as either a pro or a con. –You have 5 minutes to come up with a debate. –You may write it down and use the paper to present your first debate –Then you will be required to respond to the opposing sides debate by thinking on your feet.