Our Beautiful World Landforms Around The World ia.com/wp- content/uploads/enviro nmentpainting-the- world-green.jpg
Mountain Range A group of connected mountains. com/thumbnails/ bigthumbnail.jpg
Hills A raised area smaller than a mountain =isch%3A1&sa=1&q=Hills&btnG=Search&aq=f&a qi=g10&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=
Plateau A broad area of high, mostly flat land. steliaspark.com/bac kcountry_treks/mt_ wrangle_plateau/lar ge/mt_wrangell_pla teau-19.jpg
Piedmont An area at or near the foot of a mountain. piedmont-marche- and- more.com/images/ba rolo2small.jpg
Basin A low bowl shaped land with higher land around it. hiking/photos/hike-of-the- week/Horseshoe%20Basin.jpg
Volcano An opening in the Earth through which lava and ash poor out. g/images/mayon_volcano.jpg
Rocky Coast A coast line that has rocks surrounding it. photo/travel/Bahamas /Exuma/Saddleback_ RockyCoast.JPG
Cliff A large rock that drops off at the edge. co.uk/Images/Cliff-of- Lynton-and- Lynmouth.jpg
Marshes A swampy wetland area. Florida_freshwater_marshes_usgov_image.jpg/30 0px- Florida_freshwater_marshes_usgov_image.jpg
River A body of fresh moving water. gement/app/assets/img/enc2/ selectedbig/Frenchman%20R iver%20Valley,%20horizontal. jpg
Sound A long inlet that separates offshore islands from the mainland. cdn.tripadvisor.com/media/p hoto-s/01/0e/8c/84/milford- sound.jpg
Inlet Any area of water extending into the land form a larger body of water. mons/thumb/9/94/Paterson_inlet_stewart_i sland_nz.ogv/mid- Paterson_inlet_stewart_island_nz.ogv.jpg
Fall Line A river that goes over a edge. s.com/images/waterfall- 23.JPG
Reef A group of coral. au/uploads/news_images /27/45/27/r189329_ jpg
Valley A area between two mountains. g/Events/AKHI2005/A K/Juneau/GlacierValle y.JPG
Oceans We have four oceans on our Earth the Pacific, Atlantic, Arctic, and Indian. A ocean is a large body of salt water. photos/o/ blood_thicker_water.jp g
Pacific Ocean This is a picture of the Pacific Ocean. hoto.com/data/me dia/171/pacific_oc ean_image_t1677.j pg
Atlantic Ocean This is a picture of the Atlantic Ocean. beach- vacations.com/image- files/florida-satellite- beach-atlantic-ocean- waves-surf-bird-640w- 8900ect.jpg
Arctic Ocean This is a picture of the Arctic Ocean. co.uk/i/pix/2007/04 _03/1arcticRTRS_4 68x598.jpg
Indian Ocean This is a picture of the Indian Ocean. m/users/arewethere.yet/as ia_and_beyond indian-ocean.jpg
Credits Music from the movie Twilight. Song; Bella’s Lullaby