Biodiversity indicators for the German national adaptation strategy Rainer Dröschmeister Division I 1.3 Monitoring
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring National adaptation strategy German national adaptation strategy to climate change Strategy was adopted by Federal Government in the end of 2008 Strategy contains (amongst others) chapter on evaluation of success and failure including the plan to report indicator set in the future Indicators not yet developed and not yet in use
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring National adaptation strategy German national adaptation strategy to climate change Running project Financed by German Environment Agency; Contract partner: Bosch & Partner) Goal: development of Conception for indicator system First draft for indicator selection/set Set should cover all 14 thematic sections of strategy: from health security and economics to environment and biodiversity Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is involved in indicator development for biodiversity and related topics (like land-use, coastal management)
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set Indicators focus on adaptation Review the implementation of adaptation measures Report the consequences of adaptation measures for impact(s) on biodiversity Cause-effect relationships between indicators and climate change will be regarded Systematic conception for early warning and communication on consequences of climate change Preparation for expected EU-reporting obligations in the future
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Selection of indicators for adaptation strategy set Drivers Pressures State Mitigation Responses „Parameters“ will be taken from other reports Impacts Reponses Adaptation Indicators „Focus on adaptation“
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set Combination of modelling and monitoring Indicators should be based on scenarios from models Reporting (indicator development) in the future should be able to prove or reject model scenarios Presupposition: monitoring of relevant data must be ensured and models must be renewed/continued in the future
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set 1. Step: Analysis of topics for indicators Analysis of adaptation strategy: possible impacts on biodiversity e.g. loss of littoral ecosystems by sea-level rise and erosion altitudinal shifts ranges and possible extinction of endangered species and possible measures or responses e.g. creation of habitat networks and corridors for species (dis- )migration
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set ParameterThematic aspects„Field“ of indication Thematic section of the strategy Analysis of the strategy Literature analysis 2. Step: Systematic grouping of analysed themes/measures and cause-effect relationships Developing of „fields“ of indication (max. 10 per thematic sections)
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set ParameterThematic aspects„Field“ of indication Thematic section of the strategy Examples (Draft) Biodiversity Change in species ranges Distribution shifts to the north and higher altitudes Range shifts of non-migratory butterfly species Occurence of southern / mediterranean bird species
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set ParameterThematic aspects„Field“ of indication Thematic section of the strategy becomes..
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set ParameterThematic aspects„Field“ of indication Thematic section of the strategy becomes.. 3. Step: From parameters to key indicators Selection of approriate indicators from parameters to higher level (core, key indicator) Reduction of indicator set to c. 60 – 80 core indicators c. 28 key indicators (1 response and 1 impact indicator per thematic section) criteria for selection of parameters
3rd meeting SEBI 2010 EG 2, Juni 2009, R. Dröschmeister, BfN, FG Monitoring Development of indicator set Evaluation of the approach Advantages systematic approach considering cause-effect relationships and broad range of possible parameters no reduction to existing indicators from the beginning Disadvantages immense work to search for all parameters, indication fields and failure to be complete in all sections/themes parameters will not be aggregated to complex indicators and therefore lack of comprehensive character (do not cover the whole picture) Work is in progress – results can be evaluated, when project is finished
Biodiversity indicators for the German national adaptation strategy Rainer Dröschmeister Division Monitoring