Unit 5 Revision and consolidation Time 90’
Objectives Objectives Focus Focus A. What do you say? A. What do you say? B. Vocabulary B. Vocabulary C. Reading C. Reading D. Listening D. Listening
Objectives Revise language from Unit 1 to 4. Content
Focus Words and expressions related to business activities. Content
A. What do you say? 1. Introduce the activity.Q: How do you introduce yourself? 2. Alone or in pairs, learners match the remaining functions to the actual words. Content
3. Check their answers and then elicit alternatives for each function. 4. Write a short dialogue using some of the phrases from above. Give each pair a different situation (e.g. On the phone / Visiting a company / Introducing a visitor to a colleague and so on) or let them decide on their own. Content
5. To round up, ask some of the pairs to act out their conversation for the rest of the class. Content
Suggested answer: 1) d, 2) b, 3) e, 4) g, 5) c, 6) h, 7) f, 8) a Content
B. Vocabulary 1. Learners match the words in the box. Production Chemicals Engineer Tourism Office Assistant Accounts Personnel Receptionist Insurance Financial services Accountant dispatch Content
Suggested answer: Jobs: engineer, office assistant, receptionist, accountant, (clerk, manager). Departments: production, accounts, personnel, dispatch, (administration, marketing) Lines of business: chemicals, tourism, insurance, financial services, (catering, airline) Content
C. Reading 1. Look at the picture on the book and tell something about the company from this. (they manufacture a new type of vacuum cleaner) Content
2. Look at sentences 1-5 and then read the article and decide whether they are true or false. 3. Write questions for answers Content
2. Look at sentences 1-5 and then read the article and decide whether they are true or false. 3. Write questions for answers Content
Suggested answer: 1) T, 2) T, 3) F, 4) T,5) F 6) Where are the headquarters? 7) What is the annual turnover? 8) How many employees are there? 9) What does it make? 10) Is it a British company? Content
D. Listening 1.Listen to the recording and make notes on what you hear. Content