Square Roots Unit 1D Day 17
Do Now What are the factors of x ² + 2 x – 3? Solve for x : x ² + 2 x – 3 = 0 What are the x -intercepts of y = x ² + 2 x – 3? Express your answers as points, ( x, y ).
Square Root Vocab. √ s is a radical. The number under the radical sign is called the radicand The symbol is called the radical sign
Plus or Minus If a radical is printed, it is assumed to be positive. √9 = ____ If YOU take a square root to solve an equation, you must include _____________. If x 2 = 9, then x = ____
Ex. 1: Solving a Quadratic Equation with b = 0 Solve 2 x ² + 1 = Isolate x 2. 2.Take the square root. Don’t forget ______________! 3.Simplify if necessary (we will discuss this later).
Ex. 2: Solving Quadratic Equations with b = 0 Solve the following. a)2 x ² + 5 = 41 b) x 2 = 90 c)-25 x = 2
Properties of Square Roots (assuming a and b positive) Product property: Ex. 1: Simplify Quotient Property: Ex. 2: Simplify
Ex. 3: Simplify Using Prime Factorization Simplify
Ex. 4: Simplify Square Roots Simplify the expression. a) b) c)
Ex. 5: Simplify Square Roots with Variables Simplify the expression. a) b) c)
Ex. 6 Go back to examples 1 and 2. Simplify your answers if possible.