Recap What is intelligent design? What is irreducible complexity?
Discussion ‘The more science understands, the less we need to believe in God’ Agree Disagree
Aims To explore the possibility of reconciling religious and scientific views To plan an answer to a past question To review the religion and science section of the course
Theistic Evolution God intended to create a universe that would support life God intended to create life in his image so that we would seek out fellowship with God God used the process of evolution to achieve these goals For God this process is not slow and random but intentional and ordered Booklets, p.74
Theistic Evolution Within this God-given process of evolution some suffering is necessary The ugliness of death is part of the freedom that God has granted to nature John Polkinghorne The evolutionary universe is a creation allowed to make itself Consequently the universe contains both beautiful and ugly things
Dawkins According to Dawkins: A scientific worldview makes belief in God unnecessary or impossible Religious assertions are grounded in faith and are therefore incompatible with the scientific evidence- based pursuit of truth Religion leads to evil Religion offers a bleak view of the world; science offers a brilliant vision of the world as awe-inspiring
Faith and Evidence Dawkins criticises any beliefs that are not grounded in the observable He believes that religious faith (a form of mental illness) is blind trust in the absence of evidence However, this is not really a very good definition of faith and Dawkins offers no evidence that religious believers would agree with his definition
What is Faith? Dawkins says faith is blind trust and a form of mental illness. What do you think faith is?
Faith and Evidence Dawkins argues that believing in God is as infantile as believing in the Tooth Fairy or Santa Has Dawkins made a reasonable comparison?
Religion is evil? There is now psychological evidence to suggest that religion may be good for us How do you think religion might help us in: Coping with stress? Our physical and mental health?
Catholic View The Catholic view is that religion and science should be in harmony Humani Generis, 1950 The body of Adam may have been developed by a process of natural selection but his soul was created directly by God Karl Rahner Evolution is a mechanism through which God operates
Should we interpret Genesis 1-3 literally? Did Darwin Kill God? Did Darwin Kill God? 15 minutes
Task – 10 minutes Use p in your booklet and p in your textbook to plan an answer: (a) Explain the debate between Creationism and the Big Bang theory. [25] (b) 'The Big Bang theory is no more believable than Creationism.' Discuss. [10]
(a) Explain the debate between Creationism and the Big Bang theory. [25] (b) 'The Big Bang theory is no more believable than Creationism.' Discuss. [10]
Homework – due next week (a) Explain the debate between Creationism and the Big Bang theory. [25] (b) 'The Big Bang theory is no more believable than Creationism.' Discuss. [10]
Task – 30 minutes Complete the review questions on the handout