Hardware Components Display
1.Display (Monitor) The screen is made up of thousands of picture elements or pixels Displays can be either CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) or LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) LCD displays were used originally on laptop computers and the quality was poor LCD displays are much improved and they are now used for desktop computing due to larger screen size but smaller footprint
2.CRT Display Video data is sent from the graphics controller card to the display The data is sent to 3 individual electron guns (for red, green and blue) The electron beam are sent to the front of the screen where is passes through a shadow mask Each beam hits a coloured phosphor dot that glow when the electron beam hits it
3.LCD Display The source of light is a fluorescent panel The light then passes through a polarising filter The polarised light is either stopped or passed by a liquid crystal under control from the video card
Class Task Textbook Page 19 Q1 to Q5 Append to the document called “hardware.doc” Answer each of the questions in your hardware.doc document