1.Prior to WWI, European countries granted their colonies independence. 2.The unification of Germany & Italy disrupted the balance of power in Europe. 3.Demand for raw materials such as oil, rubber, coal & iron increased during Industrialization. 4.Imperialism isn’t the same as colonialism. 5.Social Darwinists believe that some people are superior than others. 6.During war, being on the offensive is the best strategy. 7.To be a world power, one must have a large army according to military strategists. 8.Germany wanted to defeat Russia first, then attack France if it had to fight a two-front war. 9.The beginning of events that led to WWI starting began in Bosnia because of nationalism. 10.Mobilizing your army is an act of war.
The “New” Imperialism Settlement Colonies-large #’s of Europeans controlling area Dependent Colonies-few European officials Sphere’s of Influence-one European country controlled the region All three were used to protect the national security interests of the Europeans. Africa-last continent to be carved up by Europeans – Is Imperialism any different from colonialism? Beginning of 1914
National Competition & Imperialism Ger. & Italy unification disturbed the balance of powers. Europe saw Germ. as a threat to security-WHY?: Use of technology in Franco- Prussian war – Repeating rifles – Artillery – Railways (move men, supplies) *Must have resources to fight this kind of war* – Where are they supposed to get them?
Free Trade & Empire Building Demand for oil, rubber, coal, iron ore increased Protectionism-close off markets to outside countries – Must build up own economy 1st – What does this remind you of from colonialism? New steam ships-easy transport – Required lots of coal – Must have Naval supply stations – Must annex foreign territory to protect stations. What is the relationship between industrialization & imperialism? Great Britain-most powerful Navy Fears German Naval Expansion Tensions Increasing
Cultural Imperialism European ideas & beliefs – Christianity – “Civilizing” Mission-advance the foreigners – Enlightenment rationalism/reason Social Darwinism: – Strongest Country survives – Both Militarily & Culturally – Must use all means to ensure survival – What must countries have to survive? What does this lead to? (Remember colonialism)
Imperialism, Nationalism, & Militarism Army & Navy required to protect nations & their interests Militarism-glorification of the militaryWHY? – Stronger nations get what they want – Social Darwinism: Strongest survives – “Attack is the Best Defense” – Do you think that this is the best military strategy? Result: Massive military buildup in Br., Fr., Germ., Russia, Austria, Italy, U.S., Japan
Mahan’s Theory of World Power Must have a Strong Navy: WHY? – Control sea routes and resources – Example: Great Britain Germany, Japan, and U.S. used ideas for naval expansion Stressed relations btwn Germany & Great Britain – Why would the build up of navies bother the British? Germany, continues to try to expand her position in Europe – Why is this problematic?
The Alliances Form *Germany seeking to protect itself from France & Russia* – Doesn’t want war on 2 fronts: France allied w/ Russia Ally with Austria & Italy: Central Powers Schlieffen Plan: Attack Fr. 1st-must have knockout blow – Must go through neutral Belgium to get to France – Then attack Russia – What does Germany think of its chances of beating France? The Central Powers France, Great Britain, & Russia ally to protect themselves from Germany Form: Allies What is the inherent problem with the pledge to protect each other? The Allies
The Balkans & The Ailing Ottoman Empire Russia & Pan-Slavism – A nationalist movement-to unite Slavs – Russia wants control over Balkans from OttomansBUT: Austria controls Bosnia & Herzegovina (Slavic) – Took from Ottoman Empire – Serbian nationalists wants Bosnia to unite with them – Serbians trying to induce a revolt against the Austrians Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand – Next in line for Austrian throne – Gavrilo Princip-Serbian Nationalist-the assassin – How would the Austrians respond?
Outbreak of War Austria: Punish Serbia – Gets “blank check” from Germany – What is a “blank check” & why from Germany? – Germany hopeful of chances of war- supports Austria Austria-gives Serbia ultimatum- – If don’t agree-Austria attacks – Austria declares war July 28, 1914 Russia mobilizes & prepares for war- – To protect Serbian Slavs – How are the Russians similar to Serbians? – aimed at Austria only Germany sees as threat-demands Russia to stop- – Do you think the Germans really expected the Russians to stop? – What does this tell you about German intentions? Europe is ready to fight-some even want it, they call it: “The Great War” “The War to End all Wars”
Germany Expands the War Germany declares war Aug. 1, 1914 against Russia – Alliance systems take effect – Great Britain waits Germany attacks France with Schlieffen Plan by going through neutral Belgium British enter war-violating Belgian neutrality The war to end all war begins With intial success, trench warfare settles in on the Western Front. Why trench-warfare?