NARUC Presentation July 17, 2007 New York, New York Larry Schumacher President & Chief Executive Officer
2 UI Facts 42 years old 500+ employees 17 states Over 300,000 customers Provide service to over 1,000,000 people a day! Provide water service, wastewater service and are a leader in reuse.
3 Regions
4 Water/Wastewater Split CompanyRevenue Component WaterWastewater MIDDLESEX WATER COMPANY89%11% AQUA AMERICA90%10% PENNICHUCK CORP90%10% ARTESIAN RESOURCES CORP92%8% CALIFORNIA WATER SERVICE97%3% AVERAGE92%8% UTILITIES, INC.55%45% Public Companies are geared towards water services
5 AIG Highstar As Our Investor Understand regulated and infrastructure business environment Provide access capital Allow/facilitate us to invest in the business – Grow the business – Results in value creation Investor’s expectations
6 Capital Plan (MM)
7 Rate Base Growth (MM) $30 MM equity = Over $100 MM of add’l rate base Projected
8 Capital Recovery Timeline January ’07 - JuneJuly - DecemberJanuary ’08 - June Commission Review and Audit Rate Filing Preparation July - December Revenue Generation January ‘09- June Audit Cap Ex Rate filing 12 month test period ends Staff review and customer notice Commission’s decision Final rates Begin capital recovery Potential appeal period Financial & engineering review Wastewater Treatment Plant $6.6MM Water Treatment Plant $5.4MM
9 Our Water Supply
10 Water Infrastructure 200 million gallons per day of production capacity Over 42 million gallons of storage capacity Over 600 storage tanks, 37 of them elevated Over 2500 miles of distribution mains
11 Wastewater Infrastructure Wastewater 138 treatment plants 36.7 million gallons per day of treatment capacity Over 1500 miles of collection mains with 1300 lift stations Reuse Plants (17) Golf courses Common green areas Residential customers
12 Project Phoenix Initiated in May 2006 Objectives – More efficient and expedient reporting – Improved customer and management information – Increased automation Project scope (rollout) – New financial system – JDE (4Q07) – New customer care & billing system – SPL’s CC&B (2Q08) – Improve network design and structure (3Q07) Estimated total cost >$10MM
13 Executive Team Lawrence N. Schumacher President and CEO Lisa A. Crossett Chief Operating Officer Steve M. Lubertozzi Chief Financial Officer John P. Hoy Chief Regulatory Officer John R. Stover General Counsel VP and Secretary Daniel J. Delgado Vice President Don E. Sudduth Director Business Development
14 Mission Statement At Utilities, Inc. we are committed to providing – safe, reliable and cost effective service to our customers, – a safe, challenging and enjoyable work environment for our employees – and a reasonable return for our shareholders, – all with an underlying commitment to protecting the environment and enhancing the communities we serve. Values – Integrity – Respect – Teamwork – Creativity – Commitment
15 UI Wins the Best Water in Florida Four Lakes – Subsidiary of Lake Utility Services
16 Focus on our Customer Who is our customer? Understanding their needs – Communication – Education – Collaboration
Closing/Questions Larry Schumacher President & Chief Executive Officer