Marine Technology and Services sector role in the Blue Economy OCEANS 2015 Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center October 21, 2015
Marine Technology Team Partnerships
–Various trade events domestically and internationally with strategic partners.
Timely and relevant market data and industry research for U.S. exporters 1.Team newsletter and effective ways to promote and gather relevant data. 2.Market Profiles. 3.Trade Leads: I.Port infrastructure projects in India and Iraq II.Small riverine patrol crafts in Vietnam and the U.K
AUSTRALIA Growing defense budget. Port privatization – new ports servicing mining projects. Trans Pacific Partnership. One of the largest economies in the world, strong diverse demand for products across many marine sectors (strong rule of law, transparent government, IP protection and significant trading partner with the US.)
Norway/UK Recently opened the Marine Operations research center in Alesund focusing research on the ocean’s most extreme conditions. Strong leader in underwater remotely operated vehicles and in development of marine renewables. Maritime Autonomous Systems in for the U.K and patrol boat leads in summer and fall 2015.
SINGAPORE Singapore is the largest manufacturer of jack-up Oil rigs and commands 70% of the world market. In 2011, the marine &offshore industry’s total output was S$12.9 Billion and employed almost 75,000 workers. Has a large expert cluster of marine-related services that is growing yearly.
Japan The Marine Technology and Engineering Center (MARITEC) recently established the Research Vessels and Construction Department, which will focus on building research vessels to use for studying marine ecosystems. MARITEC has a heavy focus on AUVs and ROVs.
Marine Technology Team