I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice …
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Sept. 2, 1945 Aboard the U.S.S. Missouri in Tokyo Bay Japan surrendered unconditionally to finally end World War II
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice I Surrender All
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice The Idea Of Surrender To yield; relinquish, concede To admit the present course of action should be abandoned We’re really considering the idea of “unconditional” surrender
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice The Idea Of Surrender “Unconditional” surrender No conditions to allow one to “save face” (maintain some position) Conditions are “walls” we erect to allow only limited access to the “conqueror”
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice The Idea Of Surrender God expects “total” surrender Lk 14:33 He always has Ex 20:3-5a Deut 6:5 Mt 22:37 A mindset that must be understood & accepted up front Lk 14:28 9:58, 62
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice The Idea Of Surrender “Partial” surrender creates a façade… ends in disaster Acts 5:1-11 If we hold back (build a “wall”…make a “condition”), we will not be blessed 2 Cor 9:6
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The O.T. Total and complete…a 1-time act Animals = a “substitute” Heb 9: :4 Animals that were sacrificed had to be slain to obtain their blood Heb 9:22
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The O.T. Animal Sacrifices Worshiper could not retain alive for himself and give a part of it to the Lord The very life of the animal was surrendered An unwilling sacrifice on the animal’s part It had no say in the matter
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The N.T. Total & complete An on-going act Rom 12:1 No substitute…we must “first give of ourselves to the Lord” 2 Cor 8:5
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The N.T. The old self “surrenders” to the new man He won’t “concede” happily Gal 5:16-17 He won’t relinquish unless forced to do so The only sensible solution…the old man must die Col 2:20 3:1, 5-10
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The N.T. The only sensible solution…the old man must die Col 2:20 3:1, 5-10 This is our crucifixion Gal 2:20 Maturity helps us realize the necessity and benefit of such an action Jer 10:23
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Surrender (Sacrifice) Under The N.T. The only sensible solution…the old man must die Col 2:20 3:1, 5-10 Only then will we properly understand our “reasonable service” Deut 6:24 1 Jn 5:13
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Conclusion Surrendering isn’t “God wins…I lose” He’s trying to save us, not defeat us He wants us to surrender by walking away from things that don’t help us eternally anyway Phil 3:4-8 1 Pet 2:11
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Conclusion Satan doesn’t require total surrender…all he wants is for us to leave a few of those “walls” up to block God Rom 13:14 God surrendered all for us Jn 3:16 He asks us to do the same 2 Cor 6:11-13
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice I Surrender All
I Surrender All Weak Capitulation OR Necessary Sacrifice …