GICUMBI DISTRICT 2014/15 Estimates and MTEF
i.Put in place and enforce the national policies ii. Provide and assure sectors provide quality services to beneficiaries iii. Establish and Coordinate and put in place local development programs iv. Promote solidarity and cooperation with other districts and local government agencies. MISSION OF THE DISTRICT
Presentation Outline 3 1. A summary of 2013/14 update Performance a)Revenues b)Expenditures /15 Estimates and MTEF a)Revenues by source of fund b)Expenditures by economic category /15 Estimates by Sector 4.Key projects funded in 2014/15 5.Public and private partnership (PPP) 6.Gender budget statement FY 2014/ Key Challenges and Conclusion
2013/14 budget performance 4 S/nRevenues 2013/14 Approved Budget End April Performance (%)age 1 Block Grant 1,586,905,507 1,212,537, Earmarked Transfers 7,515,286,723 6,196,808, Own Revenues 1,413,301,478 1,039,777, Transfers from other GoR Agencies 515,373, ,507, External Grants 1,185,510, ,352, TOTAL 12,216,377,321 9,380,984,990 77
2013/14 budget performance 5 S/nExpenditures 2013/14 Approved Budget End April Performance (%)age 1RECURRENT COSTS 7,824,088,6956,616,813,04885 District Salaries 1,586,905,5071,148,499,17176 Health workers salaries 868,330, Teachers Salaries 2,769,225,2522,344,091,58585 Other recurrent costs 2,599,627,5692,255,891, DEVELOPMENT COSTS 4,392,288,6262,764,171,94263 Domestic Capital Projects 3,206,778,1722,005,818,94863 External Capital Projects 1,185,510, ,352, TOTAL 12,216,377,321 9,380,984,990 77
PROJECT NAMES 2013/2014TOTAL BUDGET STATUS : %age 1 Social protection provision and management project Culture Centers(Nyamiyaga, Muko, Mutete) equipments 20,999, Construction of Individual latrines III 45,896, Roads construction on model villages in Manyagiro, Mukarange and Nyamiyaga Sectors (PW) 60,000, Radical terraces construction on 160 ha in MUKO, Giti and Rubaya Sectors (PW) 248,673, Construction of retaining walls of Rubaya seeds bank (Pw) 6,583, Construction of Mukarange health centre phase I 126,285, VUP (DS) 196,237, VUP (FS) 83,011, UBUDEHE (Supporting microprojects aimed to improve social economic of the people) 225,380, Key Projects funded in 2013/14 FY
2 Roads infrastructure management Stones paved road Gicumbi town (1.067km) 144,363, Bridges construction Yaramba, Gisiza, Rwampyisi 10,528, Supervision Yaramba,Gisiza, Rwampyisi bridges 989, Roads maintanance using Community approach 4,789, Stones paved road Gicumbi town phase 2 (1.4km) 404,171, Supervision Stones paved road Gicumbi town phase 2 (1.2km) 5,500, Maintenance and rehabilitation of Gaseke- Muyanza road (Laterite) and Byumba -Kabuga road (TIG) 98,450, Maintenance and rehabilitation of Rukomo Gihengeri road 45,816, Agricultural production systems development and intensification project Artificial insemination (MINAGRI) 6,000, Vaccination (MINAGRI) 9,616, Girinka Programme (MINAGRI) 36,650, Energy and electricity provision and management project Gicumbi Town Public lights phase 1 (11 km) 20,000, Gicumbi Town Public lights phase 2 (3km) 55,836, Electricity line Ruvune-Bwisige-Muko-Giti phase 1 205,962, Street lights maintenance in Gicumbi District 3,500,
5 Market oriented infrastructures project Byumba Slaughterhouse phase 2 1,039, Feasibility study Rushaki, Rukomo, and Rebero markets 9,300, Construction of Rebero market phase 1 121,000, Supervision Construction of Rebero market phase 1 6,000, Mukarange Livestock Market 7,801, Construction and retaining walls of Rukomo Veternary laboratory 9,985, Rehabilitation of cold rooms in Byumba market 5,000,000 5 Drying ground Muko construction (MINAGRI) 12,175, Health facilities provision and management project Byumba Hospital and health centers rehabilitation (MINISANTE) 16,295, Education support project Construction of 9 & YBE (103 classes, 204 toilets) (MINEDUC) 244,032, Seedling production (All Sectors) (MINIRENA) 22,669,
9 Project implementation support Development projects technical assistance support 12,243, Monitoring and evaluation funds 3,952, Business and Entrepreneurship Development 3,952, VUP STAFF SALARIES 34,083, VUP FONCTIONNEMENT 20,520, VUP Development Skills and training Loan Committees 8,073, Umurenge SACCO project (Salaries) 126,000, Salaries of sectors veterinaries (MINAGRI) 31,200, Training and study tours of sectors and cells agronomists (MINAGRI) 8,903, TOTAL PROJECTS 2,887,448,563 8 Natural resources sustainable management project Waste management disposal 19,500, Bwisige water scheme 41,354, Construction of water adduction Zoko -Mutete phase II 34,125, Ryaruganzu water supply 13,500, MIILIKU water supply 4,500,
2014/15 Estimates and MTEF 11 EXPENDITURES2013/142014/152015/162016/17 1RECCURENT 7,824,088,695 8,108,695,161 9,684,944,064 9,574,830,439 DISTRICT SALARY 1,586,905,507 1,953,633,964 2,061,617,766 2,193,817,266 HEALTH SALARY 868,330, ,330, ,110, ,985,121 TEACHERS SALARY 2,769,225,252 3,206,713,319 4,254,612,038 4,619,594,880 OTHER RECCURENT 2,599,627,569 2,080,017,512 3,117,603,662 2,636,433,172 2DEVELOPMENT 4,392,288,624 3,657,962,637 4,167,640,417 4,367,640,417 DOMESTIC CAPITAL PROJECT 3,206,778,172 2,818,976,253 3,328,654,033 3,528,654,033 EXTERNAL CAPITAL PROJECT 1,185,510, ,986,384 TOTAL 12,216,377,321 11,766,657,798 13,852,584,481 15,442,470,856
2014/15 Estimates by Sector 12 S/nSector2013/14 budget2014/152015/162016/17 1 Infrastructure sector 4,392,288,6263,657,962,6374,167,640,4174,367,640,417 2 Productive capacities 1,675,234,1771,779,686,0822,775,716,0533,813,130,110 3 Human development & Social sectors 5,781,956,0385,958,181,6146,462,056,5686,567,340,402 4 Governance and Sovereignty 366,898,480370,827,465447,171,443694,359,927 TOTAL 12,216,377,32111,766,657,79813,852,584,48115,442,470,856
2014/15 Estimates by Programme 13 S/NExpenditures ADMINISTRATIVE AND SUPPORT SERVICES 2,773,633,964 3,266,746,915 3,535,330,815 2GOOD GOVERNANCE AND JUSTICE 370,827, ,171, ,526,896 3EDUCATION 4,008,684,945 5,360,818,506 5,582,256,080 4HEALTH 1,562,379, ,491, ,766,233 5SOCIAL PROTECTION 753,074, ,156,844 1,001,071,380 6YOUTH, SPORT AND CULTURE 99,923, ,516, ,666,667 7PRIVATE SECTOR DEVELOPMENT 418,303, ,985, ,335,885 8 AGRICULTURE 570,877, ,877,791 1,400,877,791 9ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES 70,753,028 90,753, ,753,028 10ENERGY 378,000, ,798, ,619,279 11WATER AND SANITATION 498,147, ,147, ,147,529 12TRANSPORT 230,051, ,119, ,119,273 13HOUSING, URBAN DEVELOPMENT AND LAND MANAGEMENT 32,000, ,000, ,000,000 TOTAL 11,766,657,79813,852,584,48115,442,470,856
Key Projects funded in 2014/15 FY SNPROJECT_NAME BUDGET ESTIMATE ESTIMATES 1District capacities support project192,879,412143,443,81838,392,641 2Education infrastructures project195,200,000295,200,0000 3Health infrastructures project449,938,531100,000, Social protection project646,399,926364,188,428849,399,926 5 National Employment program (NEP) projects12,950,75225,166,66735,166,667 6 Market oriented infrastructures project395,063,742349,335,885549,335,885 7 Agricultural production systems development project 476,811,007806,811,0071,176,811,007 8 Livestock development project93,266,784153,266,784223,266,784 9 Natural resources sustainable management project70,753,02890,753,028170,753, Administrative infrastructures project 2,000,000105,000,0002,000, Energy development and electricity provision project 378,000,000474,798,890604,619, Water and Sanitation Infrastructure Project498,147,529708,147,529918,147, Roads infrastructures project230,051,926629,119,273429,119, ICT development project 16,500, TOTAL 3,657,962,6374,245,231,3094,997,012,019
PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP PROJECTS 2014/2015 PROJECTSPARTNERLOCATION BUDGET 1Construction of mini hydraupower of Kavumu in Mutete sector REGREPOWERMutete Sector 1,500,000,000 2Construction of Gicumbi town taxi park RTFCGicumbi town 1,002,650,000 3Construction of apartment in Gicumbi town AVEGAGicumbi town 491,820,307 4Construction of Commercial buildingNTAGOZERA GregoireGicumbi town 620,000,000 5Construction of Commercial buildingEAR ByumbaGicumbi town 320,000,000 6Greening and beautification (paving alongside commercial buildings) Gicumbi town population Gicumbi town 100,000,000 TOTAL 1,998,650,000
GENDER BUDGET STATEMENT FY 2014/2015 Gender Situational Analysis OutputActivityIndicator Allocated Budget PROGRAM: WATER AND SANITATION SUB PROGRAM: WATER INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT The population of Gicumbi District has luck of enough water in their homes. Vision 2020 stipulates that 100% of households must be accessing to clean water. Then, the existing water infrastructures are being rehabilitated in order to provide water to the population Women & men of Mutete sector accessing to clean water Rehabilitation of Zoko-Mutete water adduction Number of women & men facilitated to transport accessing to clean water 300,000,000 PROGRAM: ENERGY SUB PROGRAM: ENERGY ACCESS Gicumbi District is on 14.5% of electricity accessibility which must be increased to 70% by 2020, women and men are in need of electricity especially in rural areas 34,869 Women & 31,745 men facilitated accessing to electricity Electricity line Ruvune-Bwisige- Muko-Giti Number of women & men accessing to electricity 300,000,000
PROGRAM: SOCIAL PROTECTION SUB PROGRAM: VULNERABLE GROUP SUPPORT In order to reduce people under poverty line from 49% to 30% and extreme poverty from 33% to 9% by 2020, women and men will be supported 3500 men and women employed in PW Constructionof radical terraces in Nyankenke, Manyagiro, Muko, Giti, Nyamiyaga, Mukarange sectors Number of women & men employed in PW 358,403, men and women supported in Ubudehe Support microprojects (ubudehe) Number of women & men accessing to microprojects 169,845,656 PROGRAM: HEALTH SUB PROGRAM:HEALTH FACILITIES PROVISION AND MANAGEMENT PROJECT Vision 2020 indicator on health, mentions that each administrative sector must have its own health center. Iin Gicumbi District 2 sectors (Nyamiyaga&Mukarange) have not all ready their own health centers. 16,143 men and women accessed to health facilities Construction of Mukarange health center Number of women & men accessing to health facilities 443,938,531
Key Challenges 18 1.Gicumbi District has urban destroyed roads to be rehabilitated with asphalt on 15 km 2.It is not easy to implementing District master plan due to luck of funds especially on expropriation 3.Even that the District rehabilitated some water pipes, there is more needs of access to water at HHs. 4.In order to access rural areas, there is a need of rehabilitation of feeder roads support. 5.Milk production is transported to Kigali instead of being processed in the District 6.Rain water from Gihembe refugee camp causes disasters 1.Gicumbi District has urban destroyed roads to be rehabilitated with asphalt on 15 km 2.It is not easy to implementing District master plan due to luck of funds especially on expropriation 3.Even that the District rehabilitated some water pipes, there is more needs of access to water at HHs. 4.In order to access rural areas, there is a need of rehabilitation of feeder roads support. 5.Milk production is transported to Kigali instead of being processed in the District 6.Rain water from Gihembe refugee camp causes disasters
Conclusion 19 Gicumbi District thanks the Government of Rwanda to enable Local Government Institutions to achieve its mission and EDPRS 2, 7YGP, Vision 2020 targets.