Light Notes
Light can be visible or not-visible, visible light is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum
We see colors in the visible light spectrum
Visible Light Visible light waves are the only ones we can see. Each color has a different wavelength Red is the longest Violet is the shortest
The Way Light Moves Light travels in a straight line until it hits matter It can be absorbed, reflected, refracted, or transmitted.
Reflection Light bounces off the object. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
Reflection and Color The light bouncing off shows the color we see White light is all wavelengths (colors)
Refraction When light bends from entering a new surface This is why things are in a different place when you are looking at something under water
Transmission The light passes through the object, such as what happens though glass
The Human Eye! Window to the world!
7 main parts of the eye Cornea Iris Pupil Lens Sclera Retina Optic Nerve Pupil Lens Iris Cornea Retina Optic Nerve Sclera
FYI:Look closely at the eye:
Sclera White of the eye Covers whole outside of eye Tough protective outer layer
Cornea Clear Covers iris Allows light to enter Protects Focuses Image to help make image clear (ex: coarse adjustment knob)
Iris Colored part of eye Muscles open and close pupil to control the amount of light entering Lighter colored iris lets in more light Darker colors protect more, less light enters eye
Pupil Hole in center of iris Lets light waves into eye Light entering shines on retina
Lens Behind iris/pupil Focuses light waves (ex: fine adjustment knob) Makes images clear
Vitreous Humor Jelly-like fluid that fills most of the eye (from the lens back) Helps the eye hold its sphere shape
Retina Back of the eye where light shines Like a movie screen Shows us what we see by sending information to the optic nerve.
An Actual Retina!!! 2 kinds of cells in the retina: Cones--see color - respond to different wavelengths to allow you to see all colors Rods--see form and shape
Tapetum Lucidum Shiny blue-green color Reflects light to allow more light to the retina Allows for better vision in dark environments
Optic Nerve Sends information from the eye to the brain Thick cord at lower back of eye
Diagram of the eye:Very dry…
Can you identify the structures now???
Facts!Eyes….. -Are the most complex organs in the body second to the brain. -Contribute to 80% of your total knowledge -Are composed of more than 2 million working parts -During a normal life will bring in 24 million images of the world around you -The adult eye measures about one inch in diameter (2.5 cm), but only one sixth of the area is exposed on the front.