Jerry Lee Faine Elementary Linc Students Present Living History Wax Museum March 5, 2010
Fourth and fifth grade LinC students enjoyed making history come alive at the annual African-American History Wax Museum. Students chose an inspirational figure from African- American history and conducted research on this historical person. Speeches were written and rehearsed. Costumes and display boards were created. This was a fun and creative way for the students to ‘do’ history and not just read about it. Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, and Oprah Winfrey were just a few of the historical figures portrayed in the wax museum. The students also learned proper speaking techniques and what makes an engaging presentation. The students worked really hard on this project and enjoyed presenting this program to the school.
Kanijah Stevens as Sojourner Truth
Shiteria Eady as Harriet Tubman
Shaundrez Davis as W.E.B. DuBois
Shania Harris as Wilma Rudolph
Barry Mullins as Martin Luther King Jr.
LaDerious Dunlap as Jackie Robinson
Nehemiah Nixon as Langston Hughes
Gerald Pleas as Duke Ellington
Katlin Seago as Bessie Coleman
Kemonie Lewis as Mary McLeod Bethune
JaBriyah Reaves as Madam C.J. Walker
Octavious Foster as George Washington Carver
Micah Rogers as Booker T. Washington
Sharon Turner as Susie King Taylor
JaNiyah Culver as Mary E. Bowser
Zavion Wimberly as Michael Jackson