chronological Definition: events ordered in the way they happen Sentence: Synonyms: sequence, order, timed
Use my wiki page to record the meanings of Chron root words. Record meanings and the homework schedule in your agenda. Explore my wiki page for more information and resources.
incident Definition: Sentence: Synonym:
First answer on your own, then pair-share with a partner, then we will share as a class: 1. What incidents have occurred in your life that have changed you?(examples- death in the family, changing schools, moving, etc.) 2. Which incident had the most effect on you as a person?
Choose one event from your THINK-PAIR- SHARE to recreate in a memory map. My incident: Events at the beginning: Events in the middle: Events in the End: 1. Setting- Time and Place 2. Who was there? 3. What were you doing, thinking, feeling? 1. What happened? 2. What were you and others doing? 3. What were you thinking and feeling? 1. How did this situation end? 2. What did you learn, discover, realize?
Sentence that describes the event. Dialogue statement. Sentence that describes your feelings. Sentence that describes the event. Dialogue statement. Sentence that describes your feelings. Sentence that describes the event. Dialogue statement. Sentence that describes your feelings.
Warm-up: WORD SPLASH Use as many words as you can in a paragraph, sentence, story, or poem. Viewpoint, dismayed, cornstalks, growling, kira-kira, chased
QuestionsMy Thoughts From what point of view is the story told? Record at least 3 vivid verbs in the first page of reading. Write a line of dialogue that are significant in this story. What is the significance of this incident for Katie?
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Point of view Definition: the vantage point from which a story is told Sentence: In first person point of view, the teller is a character in the story. Synonym:
“That rotten wolf tried to eat us!!!!” “I was framed! I just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar!”
As we audio read as a class, write down the following details: Descriptive of Setting (give specific details) GROUP 1 Feelings of Characters (use adjectives or nouns) GROUP 2 Important Dialogue (try to copy) GROUP
Record events from each chapter: After recording all events, add transition words and rewrite as a paragraph the events of this week’s reading.
Writing a Narrative Describe a vivid setting Organize writing Use descriptive details Identify an incident Drafting Revising Editing
Descriptive of Setting (give specific details) GROUP 1 Feelings of Characters (use adjectives or nouns) GROUP 2 Important Dialogue (try to copy) GROUP
AFTER VIEWING: Write what happened in the video in events: Event 1- Event 2- Event 3- Event 4- Event 5- Event 6-
Cause/EffectChronologic al Agreement (Compare) Opposition (Contrast) for thus because the then hence consequently therefore as a result under those circumstances in that case for this reason accordingly after later last until till since then before hence since when about next now again to and also then equally identically uniquely like as too but (and) still unlike or (and) yet while besides as much as even though
AFTER VIEWING CURRENT EVENT NEWS ON CHANNEL ONE: AFTER YOU HAVE WRITTEN: Write 4-6 sentences about your connections with the events and news. What does the topic have to do with you? What is your opinion? How does it effect our world, society, or school? Use your phone or tablet to log in to my wiki page: Google: Kelly McNeirney Wiki Click on the first search option. Go to link on my home page. Go to “Next Big Thing” Vote yes or no.
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What is the relationship between change and growth? How do writers use different types of writing to express their ideas?