Public Health Laboratory Department of Public Health Ministry of Health Objectives and Expected Outcome of the training NEWARS training, Punakha
To operationalize revised notifiable disease surveillance guideline “National Early Warning Alert and Response System” and reporting system to strengthen the existing notifiable disease surveillance system in the country. Overall Objective
1. To train health professionals/workers on revised notifiable disease surveillance guideline “NEWARS” 2. To train heath professional/workers on online real time reporting application developed: Web based and Mobile SMS based on NEWARS guideline. 3. Provide hands on training and simulation of Web based and Mobile SMS reporting system. Specific Objectives
1.Health professionals/workers are thorough with “NEWARS” guideline and reporting system 2. Implement the NEWARS guideline and start reporting immediately after the training using either web based and/or mobile SMS. 3. Train health professionals/workers to facilitate in sensitizing/training other health workers, Village Health Workers, and counterpart from other relevant stakeholders including general public on event reporting. Expected Outcome
REGUSER username*Fullname*D esignation*HealthCent er Name
REGUSER tjamtsho*Thinley Jamtsho*Sr.ICT Officer*PHL