Not a penny of FDIC-insured deposits lost.
Regulatory requirements have increased significantly Dodd-Frank Act pages Gramm Leach Bliley Act 145 pages Sarbanes Oxley Act 61 pages Glass Steagall Act 37 pages
44% of unemployed have been so for over six months.
3.7 million mortgages were seriously delinquent or in foreclosure at the end of 2010.
Consumer Loan Demand Remains Low Recessions Source: Federal Reserve. *3-quarter moving average. Net Percentage of Banks Reporting Higher Demand*
Regulatory pressure reduces lending.
Failed Banks 1989: through Oct. : 139 Source: FDIC
Bank failure costs are declining $17.6B $0.1B $36.4B $22.1B
2Q 2010: 11.25% Banks are much more stable Equity Capital to Assets
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