Discovering libraries’ gold through collection-level descriptions ELAG 2014, Bath Valentine Charles Data specialist
Large scale aggregation and its ecosystem The European Library collects metadata for digital and non-digital materials from 48 National Libraries More than 50 University and Research libraries
According to the ENUMERATE survey % of content is digitised Only 10% of the 132 million objects held at the Library of Congress digitised 7/03/10/business/yourmoney /11archive.html?pagewanted =all&_r=1& 7/03/10/business/yourmoney /11archive.html?pagewanted =all&_r=1& Digitisation still in progress…
For the many digitised resources
Identification of the metadata fields Enhancements of more than 500 Collection Level Descriptions Surveys were sent to libraries members to identify: new digital collections; special collections (digital and physical); physical collections; Collection descriptions as a strategy
Collaborating with a specific community: digital humanities Traditional Humanities users want to search in large corpora and find special items. But Collections relevant for researchers are not always available in a digital form Many collections are not known to research communities
Collection descriptions for researchers
CENDARI builds a research infrastructure that Allows historical inquiry beginning with research questions Facilitates historical research processes Supports transnational and comparative approaches Focusses on discovery and linking sources with research data
Collection descriptions for researchers CENDARI has built an archive directory 800 collection descriptions were collected for WW1 and Medieval studies More than 100 supplied by The European Library
Collaborating with a specific community: digital humanities Digitial humanities users want to exploit large corpora in new ways want to integrate corpora with other data
Archival research guide
Integrate collection descriptions with researchers’ studies The Archival research guides: access points to relevant contemporary research questions Connect collection description to others resources via domain specific ontologies Combined with faceted search, annotations, note- taking tools, NER linked to the community of historians
Collections descriptions are even more interesting when integrated to other data Alignment of subjects, place names, time period with LOD vocabularies The European Library publishes its data as linked data and via an API Data in RDF, and JSON Beyond collection descriptions
Next steps The European Library will look into connecting even more collections to its other data Link with full text for instance gives opportunity for new research uses Develop opportunities for enriching collection descriptions with annotation, named entity recognition, vocabularies enrichment… And incorporate the results of the collaboration with CENDARI CENDARI project runs for two more years so stay tuned!
Thank you Valentine Charles