Balanced Scorecard Measure Definitions For the Wagner-Peyser Program
1. JOB SEEKER ENTERED EMPLOYMENT RATE Denominator: Number of exiters who were unemployed at participation Numerator: Total in the denominator who received wages in the 1 st Quarter after exit
2. ENTERED EMPLOYMENT RATE-VETERANS Denominator: Number of exiters who were unemployed at participation and were veterans Numerator: Total in the denominator who received wages in the 1 st Quarter after exit
3. EMPLOYER MARKET PENTRATION This measure would express the unduplicated number of employers receiving Employ Florida services as a percentage of the region’s employers. DEO is currently researching the methodology for determining the number of employers, by region, which would constitute the denominator. Current methodology is based on the LMS universe of employers (The Enhanced Quarterly Unemployment Insurance Address File or EQUI).
14. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – WAGNER- PEYSER (WP) INDIVIDUALS Based on a monthly telephone survey. The average participant rating for the three federally mandated questions regarding overall satisfaction, reported on a 0–100- point scale. The methodology is the same as that currently employed for regional Wagner- Peyser (WP) Jobseekers in the survey conducted in Florida by Brandt Information Services, Inc. under contract with WFI.
15. CUSTOMER SATISFACTION – ALL EMPLOYERS Based on a monthly telephone survey The average employer rating for the three federally mandated questions regarding overall satisfaction, reported on a 0–100- point scale. The methodology is the same as that currently employed for regional Employers in the survey conducted in Florida by Brandt Information Services, Inc. under contract with WFI. An equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. All voice telephone numbers on this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711.