Lesson 5 Q9: Give specific details about the names, complexions, forms and the process of worship of the four yugävatäras of the Supreme Lord. ( ) 1
Purport to Verse “It has been clearly established in the previous verses that human life is spoiled if one does not surrender unto the Supreme Lord and engage in His loving devotional service. Therefore the King is now requesting the sages to give specific details about the worship of the Lord because this devotional process has clearly been described as the only practical means of delivering the conditioned soul.” 2
Q9: Çré Karabhäjana answers ( ) Yuga/ Appearance of the Lord Name(s)ComplexionForm Process of Worship Satya-yuga Satya-yuga (21-23) Hamña, Suparëa, Dharma, etc WhiteFour-armed, meditative brahmacäri Austere meditation & sense control Tretä-yuga Tretä-yuga (24-26) Viñëu, Yajïa, Prçnigarbha, Urukrma, Jayanta, etc RedFour arms, golden hair & wears a triple belt = 3 Vedas Ritualistic Vedic sacrifices Dväpara- yuga Dväpara- yuga (27-28) Krsna, the source of all incarnations Dark blueTranscendental body marked with Çrivatsa, etc & weapons Reverential worship of the Lord as the King of all kings Kali-yuga (29-40) Krsna Caitanya Mahäprabhu Golden yellowSix-armed & accompanied by His confidential associates, and weapons Congregational chanting of the holy name, or saïkértana-yajïa 3
Glorification of Lord Caitanya & the Age of Kali (36-40) saïkrtana-yajïa, or congregational chanting of the holy name, etc. established by Lord Caitanya. Those advanced in knowledge can appreciate the essential value of Kali-yuga because in this fallen age all perfection can easily be achieved simply by the performance of saïkértana-yajïa, or congregational chanting of the holy name, etc. established by Lord Caitanya. Lord Caitanya, who came as the devotee of the Supreme Lord, to teach us how to serve Him. The Lord freely distributed His mercy to everyone regardless how fallen one can be. (Contd) Lord Caitanya, who came as the devotee of the Supreme Lord, to teach us how to serve Him. The Lord freely distributed His mercy to everyone regardless how fallen one can be. (Contd) 4
Glorification of Lord Caitanya…(Contd) Even the inhabitants of Satya-yuga and other ages eagerly desire to take birth in this age of Kali because of its special virtues. Simply chanting the holy name, one can attain the supreme peace and free oneself from the cycle of repeated birth & death. In this age, there will be many devotees of the Lord. 5
Sumary of the 9 Q/As King Nimi’s 9 Questions Çré Yogendra Each of the Yogendra’s answer in brief 1. What is the highest good?KaviBhägavata-dharma, or pure ds 2. Nature & characteristics of the three classes of the devotees? HaviraUttama-, Madhyama-, & Kanistha-adhikäri 3. Nature & activities of mäyä?AntarékñaKrsna’s external energy in cosmic creation, maintenance, & annihilation. 4. How even a materialist can transcend mäyä’s influence? Prabhuddh a To hear, glorify & meditate on the transcendental activities, qualities, and holy names of the Lord in His different incarnations = Bhägavata-dharma, or pure devotional service 5. Explain the transcendental situation of the Lord? ä PippläyanaAs the Absolute Truth in 3 levels of realizations, the Lord is the cause of all causes in cosmic creation, maintenance, and dissolution 6. Explain the process of karma- yoga. ÄvirhotraKarma, vikarma, and akarma or naiñkarmyam, or pure ds 7. Pastimes of the Lord’s incarnations? DrumilaThree purusa and guëa incarnations for the cosmic creation, maintenance, and dissolution; Nara-Näräyaëa Åñi; etc 8. What is the destination of those who do not worship the Lord? CamasaDespite belonging to the top three varëäçrama system, they do not worship the Lord fall down into hellish life. 9. Respective names, colors, forms, and the process of worships of the Supreme Lord in different ages? Karabhäjan a Refer to the summary Table in power point #3 of the present lesson 6