Cultural comparison on the basis of Hofstede Dimensions. “Outsourced”
Six dimensions of Hofstede for cultural comparisons Power distance (PDI) Individualism & collectivism (IDV) Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS) Long/short term orientation (LTO) Indulgence vs. restraint (IND)
Power distance (PDI) High power and low power society. Power distance describes how people belong to specific culture to show the power of relationships among people.
Individualism & collectivism (IDV) In Individualism person makes up his/her own mind without showing any initiative and works well independently. So each individual is acting on his/her own, making their own choices. Collectivism is the idea that the individual’s life belongs to the group or society which he/she is part of it. He/she has no rights, and he/she must sacrifice his values and goals for the group with loyalty and compliance.
Uncertainty avoidance (UAI) Uncertainty avoidance is a measure for estimation of cultural behavior, it is divided into cultures with high level and cultures with low level. Cultures scoring high are less comfortable and they cling in behavioral norms through regulations, formal laws and explicit rules. While the culture with low level are more comfortable and relaxed, typically more tolerant of risk taking, and are more open to change.
Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS) Masculine society- male dominance. Main focus is on power. Less participation of women in the society. Feminine society- Equal rights to men and women. Women are aware and free to join any community and can take part in decision making.
Long/short term orientation (LTO) Long term orientation- culture of society focuses future planning of the society. Short term orientation- Culture of society focuses on immediate goals of the social communities.
Indulgence vs. restraint (IND) Indulgence- Person has full right to enjoy his life. He has all rights to decide for his life. Restraint-Restraint stands for a society that suppresses of needs of a person and gives strict social norms, so choices in one’s life is beyond his/her own control.
“outsourced”, a movie for cultural comparison- some snapshots
some snapshots
These pictures show the power distance dimension of the two countries These pictures show the power distance dimension of the two countries. The places shown are Seattle and Mumbai (lower one). Some aspects of short term orientation and long term orientation are also shown in the two pictures as upper picture show more orientation towards development but the lower picture show less orientation towards development.
The picture shows the celebration of Holi festival in India The picture shows the celebration of Holi festival in India. The scene depicts the phenomenon of collectivism as people are functioning through gathering. The culture scores low on Uncertainty Avoidance scale which means Indian society is not clung to behavioral norms. This allows free enjoy of life.
When individual is free to take his/her own decisions, this phenomenon, according to Hofstede is called Individualism. It is important aspect of life.
Religion and faith can restrict individual’s choice of freedom Religion and faith can restrict individual’s choice of freedom. In Indian culture, some people worship goddess Kali, which is a symbol of destruction. To avoid any uncertainty people worship Kali. This phenomenon shows the dimension of Uncertainty Avoidance.
The picture shows the dimension of Feminine society where men and women have equal rights and freedom. Round the world rights of women are not same. Japan scored highest score as masculine society according to Hofstede.
This picture shows difference in culture regarding religion This picture shows difference in culture regarding religion. The picture is when Asha explains her colleague Todd the importance of religious symbol (Shivalingum).
Indulgence vs restraint dimension Indulgence vs restraint dimension. When a person is free to enjoy his life at the fullest, it is called Indulgence. On the other hand people are not so free to enjoy life in restraint type of society.
Comparing the culture of two countries as a whole
1. Power distance The two pictures depicts power distance in the two countries as Seattle (USA) is much developed and capitalist in comparison to Mumbai (India). Seattle Mumbai
2. Individualism and collectivism The pictures of the cities shows the phenomenon of collectivism as both places work in group to reach the goals of the industry
3. Masculinity vs. femininity (MAS) As there are major number of male persons in both the offices, it indicates that both the culture are masculinity. But this is not entirely true as women have access to their rights in both the cities.
references Hofstede: Long Term / Short Term . (2001). Retrieved from Hofstede: Masculinity / Femininity . (n.d.). Retrieved from Individualism vs. Collectivism: Our Future, Our Choice. (n.d.). Retrieved from Japan - Geert Hofstede. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://geert-
references Krause, K. (n.d.). INDULGENCE vs. RESTRAINT. Retrieved from Lombardo , J. (n.d.). Masculine vs. Feminine Cultures: Distinctions & Communication Styles. Retrieved from Long-Term Orientation. (n.d.). Retrieved from
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