STUDY TOOLS 101: Finding Your Success
Memory Retention & Study Skills Short-term Memory – refers to what you can keep in your attention in the moment. Long-term Memory – refers to what you know and can bring to mind whenever you choose. Mnemonic Device – is any learning technique that aids information retention.
Reasons why your memory & recall may not be working well: input overload and rate of information flow; tuning in late background noise interference personal concerns, physical well-being & hunger lack of commitment & boredom
Repeating Information Will Help You REMEMBER!! Ways to do this include: come up with a RHYME develop an acronym put the ideas into a song EXAMPLE: The order of planets in average distance from the Sun: (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto) My Very Easy Method: Just Set Up Nine Planets.
The Purpose of Study Guides: a useful tool in helping students prepare for an tests the physical act of completing a study guide helps the students to remember important details they will need to know for the test.
Index Cards Study Notes:
1) Organize by colour: one colour per unit 2) Connect on a ring 3) Put term on one side 4) Add information to backside of card: – Definition – Example – Picture – Steps
There’s an APP for that too!
Cornell Note Taking Method
Study Groups: A Great Learning Tool Ask each other questions. Each person can teach one concept to the group. Spend 1 hour studying then enjoy a group reward. Talk about the material. You may not remember it the first time your teacher said it but you way remember your friends comical way of teaching the information.