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Presentation transcript:

Before you begin. For additional assistance, contact your club’s Information Technology Chairperson or Electronic Learning: This presentation should be viewed as a PowerPoint Slide Show To view as a slide show: 1. Click on ‘Slide Show’ from the menu at the top of the screen. 2. Select ‘From Beginning’

Click here if you need to access and print your workbook before Click arrow to advance slide.

This first module is designed to give you a high-level view of the zone chairperson position. At the end of this module, you will be able to:  Recognize the various roles and responsibilities of the zone chairperson  Access resources to assist in fulfilling your role as zone chairperson Click arrow to advance slide.

Module 1: Roles and Responsibilities Overview Zone Chairperson Self-Guided Training Click arrow to advance slide.

Roles of the Zone Chairperson Turn to page 1 in your workbook. Click arrow to advance slide.

Administrative officer of the zone Chairperson of the district governor’s advisory committee Member of the district cabinet, the GMT-D and the GLT-D Zone Chairperson Member of District Teams Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson The position of zone chairperson comprises three roles simultaneously: Click arrow to advance slide. District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams Administrative Officer of the Zone

Click arrow to advance slide. The position of zone chairperson comprises three roles simultaneously. Fortunately, these three positions have the same overall goal: Healthy and active clubs, which are able to fulfill the mission of The International Association of Lions Clubs and live up to our motto: We Serve Administrative Officer of the Zone Member of District Teams District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson

Positive interaction between various leaders of the district helps determine the effectiveness of the zone and the district. Region Chairperso n Click arrow to advance slide.

The zone chairperson works closely with, and supports, club presidents and club secretaries in the zone. Click arrow to advance slide. Region Chairperso n

The zone chairperson works closely with and is supported by the district governor team, GMT, GLT and region chairperson, if one exists in the district. Click arrow to advance slide. Region Chairperso n

Responsibilities Communication Meetings and club visits Reports The following slides will help you answer the questions on page 2 in your workbook. Click arrow to advance slide.

As zone chairperson, you will serve as the link between the clubs in the zone and between the zone and the district. Region Chairperso n

Click arrow to advance slide. As zone chairperson, you will serve as the link between the clubs in the zone and between the zone and the district. You will facilitate: Sharing of ideas Promotion of district, multiple district and international programs Club community relations Internal club communication Region Chairperso n

You will: Provide up-to-date contact information for club officers Relate club members’ concerns Discuss club training and membership needs Click arrow to advance slide. Before advancing, answer the questions on page 2 in your workbook. As zone chairperson, you will serve as the link between the clubs in the zone and between the zone and the district.

Responsibilities Communication Meetings and club visits Reports Click arrow to advance slide. The following slides will help you answer the questions on page 3 in your workbook.

Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams Click arrow to advance slide. Zone Chairperson Member of District Teams Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams Visit the clubs in the zone more than once annually As zone chairperson, you should visit the clubs in the zone to:  Determine the specific needs of each club in the zone  Present or introduce resources available to increase membership and develop leaders  Recognize club achievement  Promote participation in zone and district or multiple district events, including conferences and conventions Click arrow to advance slide.

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams The district governor’s advisory committee is comprised of the presidents and secretaries from each club in the zone. The zone chairperson should: Foster dialogue on matters affecting all clubs in the zone Solicit recommendations from committee members Present recommendations to the district cabinet Organize and chair at least 3 meetings per year Click arrow to advance slide.

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams The zone chairperson is a member of the district cabinet, the GMT-D and GLT-D teams. The zone chairperson: Assists the district governor in making administrative plans which affect the success of the International Association of Lions Clubs within the district Collaborates with the GMT-D to develop club membership through service and engagement Collaborates with the GLT-D to identify, develop and encourage present and future Lions leaders Four District Cabinet meetings annually Click arrow to advance slide.

Responsibilities Communication Meetings and club visits Reports Click arrow to advance slide. The following slides will help you answer the questions on page 4 in your workbook.

Zone Chairperson Member of District Teams District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Administrative Officer of the Zone Reports will be a valuable tool for each role the zone chairperson embodies. Click arrow to advance slide. Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams As the Administrative officer of the zone, the zone chairperson encourages the clubs in the zone to file timely monthly membership reports and report club service activities online. This will allow the zone chairperson to remain current on membership growth in the zone as well as recognize clubs’ service activities. Click arrow to advance slide. Encourage clubs to file timely reports

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams As the chairperson of the district governor’s advisory committee, you are responsible for completing and submitting the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report (DA-ZCM). This report allows the zone chairperson to provide a brief summary of the status of the clubs in the zone, and any concerns the zone chairperson may have, to the district cabinet and LCI. It also provides the zone chairperson with a quick reference for how to best support the clubs in the zone. Click arrow to advance slide. Complete the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report after each meeting

District Governor's Advisory Committee Administrative Officer of the Zone District Governor's Advisory Committee Chairperson Member of District Teams As a member of the district cabinet, the zone chairperson will have access to the Club Health Assessment, which is sent to the district team the second week of each month. This report includes information on membership, reporting, payments and donations in one comprehensive report. Review the Club Health Assessment regularly Click arrow to advance slide.

Resources Turn to page 5 in your workbook. Click arrow to advance slide.

The Lions Learning Center The Lions Learning Center (LLC) The LLC offers many courses to help refresh or build leadership skills. Click arrow to advance slide. Leadership Resource Center Leadership Resource Center (LRC) The LRC provides various training materials, presentations for speaking engagements and the leadership webinar series.

The Global Leadership Team The Global Leadership Team (GLT) The GLT provides an enhanced focus on local leadership development and can support the clubs’ leadership development goals. Click arrow to advance slide. Global Membership Team Global Membership Team (GMT) The GMT provides a global structure for membership development and can assist clubs’ membership growth goals.

Zone and Region Chairperson Center The Zone and Regions Chairperson center on the LCI website provides access to many useful documents including: The Zone Chairperson Manual The District Governor’s Advisory Committee Meeting Report Information on Excellence Awards, Blueprint for a Stronger Club and other tools for promoting healthy clubs Click arrow to advance slide.

Quick Check Are you ready for your responsibilities? Review the questions on page 6 of the workbook. If you are not able to answer affirmatively, take some time to familiarize yourself with the clubs in the zone. Click arrow to advance slide.

Module Summary Click arrow to advance slide. The zone chairperson, using information attained through communication, partnerships created at the club, zone and district levels, various reports and resources, along with their recognized inherent leadership skills, shall foster active and healthy clubs in the zone.

This concludes module 1: Roles and Responsibilities Overview Have we met our objectives? Examined the various roles and responsibilities of the zone chairperson Provided resources to assist in fulfilling the role as zone chairperson Click arrow to advance slide.

Thank you for your participation. Please access the following modules to complete the self-guided training. Module 2: Zone Chairperson as the Administrator of the Zone Module 3: Zone Chairperson and the District Governor’s Advisory Committee Module 4: Zone Chairperson as Member of District Teams If you have any questions, please contact: Click arrow to advance slide.