Career Project Music Education/ Music Performance
Description Music Education Work full time or part time out of their house, in a studio, or in an elementary or secondary school Direct one or a variety of either chorus, orchestra, marching band, and concert band. Give private lessons to students Music Performance Playing instruments for a living Perform in orchestras, bands, rock groups, theatrical presentations, or jazz “combos.” Some also give private lessons to help make a living.
Working Conditions and Duties of the Career Music Education Teachers have set schedules, must adhere to policies, and may have non-teaching duties Rehearsals and performances are often in the evenings Set lesson plans for the classes, and working outside of school hours giving lessons Music Performance Irregular work schedules Daily practices and rehearsals Work many nights and weekends Some must travel across the country or world
Training and Qualifications Music Education Communication skills Mastery of their instrument, and general knowledge all musical instruments If a elementary or secondary teacher, a bachelor degree and state certification is required Music Performance Need a trained ear for pitches Strong mental and physical discipline Must be able to handle long hours of practice Complete a college course of study in instrumental or vocal
Salary Music Education Certified teachers make $44,500 a year Music Performance The median hourly rate for performing arts is $20.70
College Choice Music Education Saginaw Valley State University – Located in Saginaw, Michigan – 4 year university – Enrollment 8,914 – Campus is 782 acres Music Performance Western Michigan University – Located in Kalamazoo, Michigan – 4 year university – Enrollment 19,478 – Campus is 1,200 acres
Degree Name and Cost Music Education Major – Cost $80,200 Music Performance Major – Cost $
Similarities and Differences Similarities – Both have to do with music – Both require many of the same courses – You must audition for the school of music to get in to college for either degree Differences – Music performance focuses on one instrument and learning well while music education works on learning many instruments and how to teach in a class room – It is required to perform with more groups when a music performance major – In music education you have to get your teacher certification and do student teaching
Preferred Career I prefer music education as my degree. I enjoy helping others learn music and working in a class room. Also a degree in music education is more affordable. Finally I enjoy working with many different instruments rather than focusing on just the French horn.
Work Cited Overview of Saginaw Valley State University,, LLC November 2012 Music Teacher Job Description, Career as a Music Teacher, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job 10 November 2012 Musician Job Description, Career as a Musician, Salary, Employment - Definition and Nature of the Work, Education and Training Requirements, Getting the Job 10 November 2012 Fast Facts, Western Michigan University. 13 November 2012