Poetry Question
S Subject (no more than 2 lines) M Message (theme) I Imagery L Language (including any poetic techniques) E Effect (how did it make you feel)
Theme of hardship and suffering Interested in life’s victims Concern for other people’s suffering Discusses intimate personal experience A compassionate and non-judgemental observer Theme of separation and exile Deals with his family roots
After reading the poem………. I believe the poet is trying to convey….. I believe the poet displays a…. It is clear from the poem……….. There is a stark contrast between…… I feel Montague is trying to highlight……. I think the poet is trying to suggest…..
Introduction – discuss in general your personal response to Montague’s poetry. What did you enjoy about it? (use the possible options from the previous slide) What are connecting themes between his poetry? What added to your enjoyment of the poetry? (e.g. his vivid use of imagery, easily understood English, memorable metaphors etc.) Write about 2 of his poems using the SMILE technique to fully discuss your personal response to each poem. Conclusion: Write a short conclusion summing up the points you have made about the poetry of Montague. If you are stuck use the introduction as a guide.
In reading Montague’s poetry I was struck by how much of the poet’s personal life and history were revealed in his work. Although his poetry deals with the sadder aspects in life, such as themes of hardship, suffering and exile, I connected with Montague more than other poets because of the honesty in his work. The poet is not afraid to discuss his childhood experiences or family roots, even when they are a painful subject. I respected the fact that Montague is neither bitter nor angry even though he has often been a victim of life’s cruelties. He is a compassionate and caring observer of life, showing sympathy and understanding for his parents in the poems The Locket and The Cage and for animals in the poem Killing The Pig.