Once there were five friends. Their names were Gemma, Emma, Dilly, Ash and Tasha.
Every day after school they went to Gemma’s treehouse to play.
They look so different from each other. Gemma has long black hair and long eyelashes but the other girls have different coloured hair and different sized eyelashes.
One day when she was going to school she saw Emma talking about her with the mean girl Nema. Gemma got really angry and stormed off to the playground and then quickly ran away.
After a while Gemma got lost. Her friends were getting really worried and told the teacher.
They said they will go and look for her. Her mum was getting really worried too.
In the meantime Gemma started to realise that she didn’t know where she was. She was lost!!!!
When she got really tired from walking, she sat on a nearby log. Then she heard some talking. It was her friends so she got up and followed the sound.
She saw her friends and ran to them. The friends hugged and Gemma said sorry.
Emma said that Nema was the one who was talking about Gemma. So the friends walked back to school.
The End