STANDARD GRADE CHEMISTRY In Standard Grade chemistry you can find out what happens when chemicals react
Investigate the speed of reactions. Standard Grade Chemistry
Discover what atoms and molecules are made of. Standard Grade Chemistry
Find out about the uses of elements Gold: Carbon: In jewellery we use Standard Grade Chemistry
Find out how hydrogen and oxygen can send the space shuttle into orbit. Standard Grade Chemistry
Discover why this battery can be recharged and this battery cannot. Standard Grade Chemistry
Investigate why this metal stays unchanged for thousands of years and this metal burns violently in air. Standard Grade Chemistry
Discover how an acid can react with a base to form crystals of copper sulphate. Standard Grade Chemistry
Be able to tell the substances present in a chemical from its colour. Standard Grade Chemistry
Discover what can turn sugar into this. Standard Grade Chemistry
Find out why the lumps on the roots of this bean plant are important. Standard Grade Chemistry
Find out how to make plastics which can be used to make all of these items. Standard Grade Chemistry
Use electroplating to protect metals against corrosion and give them a decorative silvery surface. Awarded for best electroplating Standard Grade Chemistry
Discover how soluble ammonia is in water using the Fountain experiment. Standard Grade Chemistry
These are just some of the things that you will look at in Standard Grade Chemistry. For more information speak to Mr. Racey (Lab 8) Mr. Makein (Lab 9) Miss McIntyre (Lab. 7)