Nervous System Quiz 25 points 8 questions
Content to study… Divisions of Nervous System Look at flow charts and notes to help you organize the different divisions Central NS vs. Peripheral NS Autonomic vs. Somatic Sympathetic vs. Parasympathetic Not only different divisions, but components of the divisions and functions of each division!
Content to study… On “To Know” list you should be able to name some of the cranial nerves…not identify them on a picture, but list a few. Explain functions/purpose of each of the types of neurons Efferent Afferent Interneurons
Content to study… You will be asked to DRAW two neurons and label key features. You will also have to indicate the direction of flow of the nerve impulse. Look at your notes and your text for sample diagrams Be sure to draw TWO neurons and indicate how the impulse will cross the synaptic cleft at the end of neuron #1 to get to neuron #2
Content to study… Pathways for reflex arcs both two and three neuron arcs—be able to tell me the path way that reflexes travel and examples of each type. Main functions of spinal cord Be able to describe how/why nerve cells are amitotic.