Places to visit in USA Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Kód ITMS projektu: Názov projektu: Kvalitou vzdelávania otvárame brány VŠ Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: VIII.OA Tematický celok: Reálie anglicky hovoriacich krajín Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 09/2015
Obsah 1.Mount Rushmore 2.Grand Canyon 3.Quick Quiz 2
3 What can you see in the picture ?
MOUNT RUSHMORE MONUNENT MEMORIAL 5 -known as the “Shrine of Democracy” -in South Dakota’s Black Hills National Forest -is the site of four gigantic carved sculptures depicting the faces of 4 U.S. Presidents -who represent the birth, growth, development and preservation of this country What are the names of the presidents ?
6 George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln
7 Some interesting facts: -four presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln -sculptor Gutzon Borglum, -work on the project workers erected the sculpture under dangerous conditions, removing a total of 450,000 tons of rock -the enormous carved heads, each of which reached a height of 8 meters MOUNT RUSHMORE MONUNENT MEMORIAL
8 Original design: - the four presidents were meant to be represented from the waist up
10 What can you see in the picture ?
12 Some interesting information: GRAND CANYON -is a steep-sided canyon carved by the Colorado River in the state of Arizona in the United States -The Grand Canyon is: miles (446 km) long, -up to 18 miles (29 km) wide -attains a depth of over a mile - 6,093 feet or 1,857 meters -Pueblo people considered the Grand Canyon a holy site
13 Activities to do:
18 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER a) Mount Rushmore b) Mount Everest c) Grand Canyon What can you see in the picture?
19 QUICK QUIZ Answer the questions: 1. What is the name of the sculpturer of Mount Rushmore? Gutzon Borglum 2. What are the names of the presidents carved in Mount Rushmore? George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln 3. How many years was the project of Mount Rushmore created? 14 years
20 QUICK QUIZ CHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER What can you see in the picture? a) Yellowstone NP b) Grand Canyon c) Rocky Mountains
21 QUICK QUIZ Answer the questions: 1. What is the name of the state where Grand Canyon is? Arizona 2. How long, wide and deep is Grand Canyon? 446 km long, 29 km wide, 1,857 m deep 3. What is the name of the river which carved the Grand Canyon? Colorado
presidents/mount-rushmore presidents/mount-rushmore us/great-8/mount-rushmore us/great-8/mount-rushmore POUŽITÉ ZDROJE