COP3502: Introduction to Computer Science Yashas Shankar Midterm review
Midterm This coming Thursday 5:15 – 6:30PM Students are expected to arrive before 5:14PM If a student arrive 15 minutes late, 30 points will be subtracted from his/her midterm score If a student arrive 30 minutes late, 60 points will be subtracted from his/her midterm score No exam will be given after 6:00PM There will not be a make-up midterm In a rare case (such as you got an accident and have to go to a hospital, etc), I will set up a make-up midterm for you, but the new exam will be much harder) There will not be any extra credit for midterm Midterm will be hard. You need to study hard for it.
Midterm Midterm is accounted for 15% of your final grade There will be150 points, 38 questions Unix (48 points, 12 questions) Fortran, C, Java (6 points, 2 questions) HTML & Webpage ( 32 points, 8 questions) JavaScript (8 points, 2 questions) C++ programming (12 points, 3 questions) Object-oriented programming (44 points, 11 questions)
What you need to know Unix How to copy/move files, ls, mkdir, and pwd, etc. Refer-to-your-current-directory reference Refer-to-your-home-directory reference Absolute path In midterm you will have the same figure as in your Unix study guide
What you need to know Fortran, C, Java Know how to compile and run
What you need to know HTML & Webpage Understand all your homework and quizzes well How to make your text bolded, centered, etc How to create hyperlinks How to put a picture in your webpage How to create a list How to create a table How to create a form with button, textbox, radio, etc
What you need to know JavaScript Understand all your homework and quiz well Know how to create a JavaScript code that apply to a form (with textbox, buttons, etc) in a webpage
What you need to know C++ programming Know how to write a program Know syntax Know how to declare a variable Know how to use “If statement”, “for loop”
What you need to know Object-oriented programming Know how to program C++ well Study match.cpp code given, be sure to understand it in detail You will need to be able to modify the “match.cpp” code in order to create another program based on “match.cpp”