Rule of Law 5 – 8 January 2016 B Cannon, Principal
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F: They all operate according to rules or laws – for the sake of the game and the sake of fairness to all players and all spectators
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F: Rule of Law At what age ……. according to the current UK law …. 1 Can you have a bank account in your own name? 2 Can you be held criminally responsible? 3 Can you get a part time job? 4 Can you be sent to prison? 5 Can you give blood? 6 Can you have sex? 7 Can you get married with the consent of one parent? 8 Can you go to war? 9 Can you buy alcohol or tobacco? 10 Can you donate blood?
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F: Rule of Law At what age ……. according to the current UK law …. 1 Can you have a bank account in your own name? 5yo 2 Can you be held criminally responsible? 10yo 3 Can you get a part time job? 14yo 4 Can you be sent to prison? 17yo 5 Can you play National Lottery? 16yo 6 Can you have sex? 16yo 7 Can you get married with the consent of one parent? 16yo 8 Can you go to war? 18yo 9 Can you buy alcohol or tobacco? 18yo 10 Can you donate blood? 17yo
But Laws can change depending on the views of society as a whole and on the will of Parliament. E.g. Age of consent for sexual relations – from 21yo to 18yo and now to 16yo Some Laws people agree with and some Laws people don’t agree with e.g the Law on Abortion or Law on Assisted Dying or Same Sex Marriage. Some people can have moral objections to the Law. So why respect the Law if we don’t agree with it? What would happen if we only followed the Laws we agreed with personally?
Isobel Bowdery is a 22 year old survivor of the concert hall massacre. She played dead for over an hour as those lying face down around her were callously executed by the “circling vultures”. Her account is harrowing but its also inspirational. Its mainly about the helpers. But being a survivor of this horror lets me shed light on the heroes. To the man who put his life on the line by covering my brain while I whimpered … to the complete strangers who picked me up from the road and consoled me during the 45 minutes I genuinely thought my boyfriend was dead.. to the man who held me and told me everything was going to be alright despite being all alone and scared himself, to the friend who offered me shelter and went out to buy me clothes so I wouldn’t have to wear my blood-stained top. To all of you who have sent caring messages – you make me believe this world has the potential to be better.
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F:
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F:
Harris Academy Purley Kendra Hall Road Surrey CR2 6DT T: F:
In Summary Laws can change. You can influence Laws in this country by exercising your right to vote. Whether you agree with the Law or not - it still applies to you. The UK has a proud history of democracy – where people can shape their own future.