America’s Modern Indians
American Indian Culture Regions
American Indian Culture Regions People who study American Indians divide them into culture regions. Cultures are grouped according to similar customs or lifestyles. For example, Indians in the plains region all shared a similar lifestyle centered around hunting buffalo.
Here Are The Major Culture Regions: Arctic Subarctic Northwest Coast Plateau Great Basin Southwest California Great Plains Eastern Woodlands Southeast
Animal skin shelters and igloos. Hunted walruses, seals, whales. Arctic and Subarctic Animal skin shelters and igloos. Hunted walruses, seals, whales. Clothing made from animal skins.
Northwest indians thrived on sea animals and forest animals. Northwest Coast Northwest indians thrived on sea animals and forest animals. Had houses made of wood planks. Totem poles. Held potlatches.
Click on the image to see a larger view Plateau Hunted deer, elk, rabbit, birds. Gathered nuts and berries. Lived in earth houses and lodges. Wanapum Mat House Click on the image to see a larger view
Lived in desert environment. Great Basin Lived in desert environment. Hunted rabbits, small game, and gathered roots and berries. Had few possessions and little clothing. Lived in brush huts called wicki-ups. Paiute Wickiup
Some lived in cliff-top houses like their ancestors. Southwest Some lived in cliff-top houses like their ancestors. Farmed corn, beans and squash. Navajos and Apaches were hunters Navajos lived in Hogans. Click this picture to see a larger image. Navajo Hogan Click this picture to see a larger image.
California Indians hunted small game and fished. Wore little clothing. Acorns were basic source of food.
Click this picture to see a larger image. Great Plains Lifestyle centered around buffalo hunting. Migrated following buffalo herds. Lived in teepees. Some farmed After Columbus, Plains Indians adopted horse. Click this picture to see a larger image.
Click this picture to see an enlarged view Eastern Woodlands Farmed corn, beans and squash. Hunted big game such as deer. Lived in long houses (150 ft. X 20 ft.). Complex government. Click this picture to see an enlarged view
Farmed corn, beans, squash and sunflowers. Southeast Farmed corn, beans, squash and sunflowers. Lived in platform houses with thatched roofs.
Long House Back
Wanapum Mat House
Navajo Hogan