APA Style By: Susan St.Denis
APA citation style is used in the social sciences (Psychology and Business) APA uses: Stylistics In-text citations References
APA papers should be written with little to no figurative language. APA is mainly used in Literature Reviews and Experimental Reports Literature Reviews: Includes: a title page introduction a list of references Experimental Reports Includes: a title page abstract introduction methods, results, and discussion sections a list of references appendices tables figures
Your essay should: be typed, double-spaced, have 1” margins, use 12 point, Times New Roman be printed on 8.5x11 inch paper
Title: (in the upper half of the page, centered) name (no title or degree) + affiliation (university) Page header: (use Insert Page Header) title flush left + page number flush right.
Page header: do NOT include “Running head:” Abstract: centered, at the top of the page Write a 150- to 250- word summary of your paper in an accurate, concise, and specific manner. Image used from Purdue OWL APA
Number the first text page as page number 3 Type and center the title of the paper at the top of the page Type the text double-spaced with all sections following each other without a break Identify the sources used in the paper in parenthetical, in-text citations Format tables and figures
Every page of your essay should: Include a page header (Title, all caps) in the upper left- hand corner Place the page number in the upper right
When quoting: The citing order includes the following: the author’s name, year of publication, and page number. Keep the citation brief—do not repeat the information After a summary, put the author‘s name and the year of publication. Image used from Purdue OWL APA
Introduce quotations with signal phrases, e.g.: According to Sergey (1995), “….” (p. 3). Sergey (1995) argued that “……” (p. 3). Use such signal verbs such as: acknowledged, contended, maintained, responded, reported, argued, concluded …
Label images with Arabic numerals and provide a title. The label and the title should appear below the image. For example: Figure 1. Bread fans in Europe. Adapted from The Art of the Croissant: Statistical Analysis by Cat Statistical Books, 1996, Retrieved from eva-wiseman
The Purdue OWL: The Purdue Writing HEAV 226 Composition textbooks Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6 th ed. APA’s website: