JASPERS Networking Platform and Competence Centre Dr. Norbert Hahn – Head of Division JASPERS Stakeholders Meeting 2015 Brussels, 10 November 2015
JASPERS Networking Platform Launched in 2012 to complement project advisory with capacity building, knowledge sharing, exchange of good practices Open to interested counterparts in EU28 (and IPA pre-accession countries) Over 1100 participants from Member States and EC at 18 main capacity building events and 2 annual meetings to date On-demand trainings and seminars in JASPERS countries started in 2015 40 thematic publications and JASPERS working papers Seminar videos Interactive web portal Very positive feedback and strong support for Networking Platform capacity building activities underline the importance of JASPERS during 2014-2020 Close co-operation with capacity building unit and competence centers in DG REGIO, DG ENV, DG CLIMA and DG COMP
Networking Platform activities Multi-country Workshops and Seminars (in Brussels): addressing specific issues and topics relevant to project preparation and implementation presenting JASPERS outputs, guidelines, horizontal studies and other relevant knowledge Development and dissemination of guidelines, how-to-do guides, case studies, model projects and standard toolkits (e.g. update of CBA guide) Targeted training and capacity building actions, including on- demand and country specific activities requested by the countries (CBA, State Aid, EIA, climate change…) Forums for exchange of experiences, dissemination of good practices and lessons learned, plus networking New publications envisaged in 2014
All proceedings and information on www.jaspersnetwork.org Work Programme 2016 Combining EU funds with PPPs Cycle of seminars and training on State Aid issues Capacity building in the implementation of the revised EIA directive Specific workshops on climate change Streamlining of EIA procedures Training on environmental requirements CBA Forum meetings (with DG REGIO) CBA training seminars “Smart Cities”: integrating urban transport, energy, ICT All proceedings and information on www.jaspersnetwork.org
Dr. Norbert Hahn – Head of NCC (n.hahn@eib.org) For info or further questions, please contact: Dr. Norbert Hahn – Head of NCC (n.hahn@eib.org) www.jaspersnetwork.org www.jaspers-europa-info.org 5