Microbes, Microbes, Everywhere
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Algae Copepod Amoeba E. coli
Not all Microbes are Bad Yogurt – lactobacilli Bread – Yeast Human gut
But what if the wrong microbes end up in our water?
Ways to clean water
Your mission: Find a low cost, effective way to clean drinking water
Let’s Try SODIS: Solar Disinfection
Sun Power
Ultraviolet - UV
Infrared - IR
What could be in dirty water?
What could be in dirty water? Algae Copepod Amoeba E. coli
Removing some of the Ugly: Sari filtration Toys: Algae (green), amoeba (blue), copepod (orange) akvopedia.org
What about E. coli?
SODIS Supplies Water from Stephen’s Creek Glass bottles, plastic baggies SODIS table Aluminum foil Fabric for sari filtration Black tarp Box Tape/markers
SODIS Variables Glass bottles vs. baggies Reflective surface vs. black/white surface Placement of the bottles/baggies (standing up or laying flat) Sari filtered vs. non-filtered water ?
Experiment Write your team’s question Write your hypothesis (ex. Does aluminum foil work better than the SODIS table?) Write your hypothesis Set up your three containers One control bottle or baggie (to be put in the control box (no sun) Two containers for your variables LABEL each container with your name and the variable you are testing