Weather Forecasts Prepared by Claudia Doria and Terra Myers
This is Fahrenheit. This is Celsius.
This is Fahrenheit. This is Centigrade
In the United States, we use Fahrenheit.
The temperature is 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the temperature?
50 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the temperature?
What is the temperature?
40 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature is 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature is 70.
The temperature is 80 degrees.
What is the temperature?
60 degrees Fahrenheit.
What is the temperature?
Eighty degrees.
What is the temperature?
20 degrees.
What is the temperature?
80 degrees.
What is the temperature?
What is the temperature?
Weather Forecast Sunday 83°F/61°F Monday 78°F/59°F Tuesday 81°F/60°F Wednesday 87°F/65°F Thursday 82°F/64°F Friday 72°F/57°F Saturday 76°F/58°F
The high temperature for Thursday is 67 degrees. Thursday 67°F/45°F
The low temperature for Thursday is 45 degrees. Thursday 67°F/45°F
The high temperature for Saturday is 80 degrees. Saturday 80°F/59°F
The low temperature for Saturday is 59 degrees. Saturday 80°F/59°F
What is the high temperature for Saturday? Saturday 76°F/50°F
The high for Saturday is 76 degrees. Saturday 76°F/50°F
What is the low temperature for Saturday? Saturday 76°F/50°F
The low temperature for Saturday is 50 degrees. Saturday 76°F/50°F
What is the high for Sunday? Sunday 83°F/61°F
83. Sunday 83°F/61°F
What is the low for Sunday? Sunday 83°F/61°F
61. Sunday 83°F/61°F
What is the high for Monday? Monday 65°F/38°F
65. Sunday 65°F/38°F
What is the low for Monday? Monday 65°F/38°F
38. Sunday 65°F/38°F
Thursday will be warmer than Friday. Friday 68°F/49°F Thursday 84°F/63°F
Tuesday will be warmer than Wednesday. Wednesday 76°F/54°F Tuesday 90°F/71°F
Friday will be cooler than Thursday. Friday 68°F/49°F Thursday 84°F/63°F
Wednesday will be cooler than Tuesday. Wednesday 76°F/54°F Tuesday 90°F/71°F
Will Tuesday be warmer than Wednesday? Wednesday 73°F/52°F Tuesday 87°F/63°F
Yes, Tuesday will be warmer than Wednesday. Wednesday 73°F/52°F Tuesday 87°F/63°F
Will Friday be cooler than Saturday? Saturday 69°F/43°F Friday 75°F/57°F
No, Friday will be warmer than Saturday. Saturday 69°F/43°F Friday 75°F/57°F
Will Monday be cooler than Wednesday? Wednesday 68°F/50°F Monday 54°F/39°F
Yes, Monday will be cooler than Wednesday. Wednesday 68°F/50°F Monday 54°F/39°F
Will Friday be warmer than Saturday? Saturday 69°F/43°F Friday 75°F/57°F
Yes, Friday will be warmer than Saturday. Saturday 69°F/43°F Friday 75°F/57°F
Weather Forecast Sunday 61°F/45°F Monday 59°F/41°F Tuesday 52°F/40°F Wednesday 47°F/31°F Thursday 38°F/28°F Friday 49°F/34°F Saturday 55°F/42°F
The chance of rain for Wednesday is 85 percent. Wednesday Precipitation 85% 65°F/38°F
The chance of rain for Friday is 50 percent. Friday Precipitation 50% 49°F/34°F
The chance of snow for Thursday is 75 percent. Thursday Precipitation 75% 38°F/28°F
The chance of snow for Friday is 45 percent. Friday Precipitation 45% 38°F/28°F
The chance of a thunderstorm for Saturday is 65 percent. Satur day Thunderstorm 65% 55°F/42°F
The chance of a thunderstorm for Sunday is 20 percent. Sunday Thunderstorm 20% 55°F/42°F
What is the chance of snow for Wednesday? Wednesday Precipitation 35% 38°F/28°F
35 percent. Wednesday Precipitation 35% 38°F/28°F
What is the chance of rain for Tuesday? Tuesday Precipitation 85% 65°F/38°F
85 percent. Tuesday Precipitation 85% 65°F/38°F
What is the chance of a thunderstorm for Thursday? Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
55 percent. Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Tuesday is 50 percent. Tuesday Cloud Cover 50% 65°F/48°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Thursday is 30 percent. Thursday Cloud Cover 30% 70°F/56°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Thursday is 70 percent. Thursday Cloud Cover 70% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Thursday is 10 percent. Thursday Cloud Cover 10% 55°F/42°F
What is the percentage of cloud cover for Wednesday? Wednesday Cloud Cover 35% 70°F/56°F
35 percent. Wednesday Cloud Cover 35% 70°F/56°F
What is the percentage of cloud cover for Sunday? Sunday Cloud Cover 75% 55°F/42°F
75 percent. Sunday Cloud Cover 75% 55°F/42°F
The chance of rain on Thursday is greater than the chance of rain on Friday. Thursday Precipitation 70% 49°F/34°F Friday Precipitation 40% 49°F/34°F
The chance of rain on Friday is less than the chance of rain on Thursday. Thursday Precipitation 70% 49°F/34°F Friday Precipitation 40% 49°F/34°F
The chance of rain on Monday is greater than on Tuesday. Monday Precipitation 65% 49°F/34°F Tuesday Precipitation 30% 49°F/34°F
The chance of rain on Tuesday is less than on Monday. Monday Precipitation 65% 49°F/34°F Tuesday Precipitation 30% 49°F/34°F
The chance of snow on Sunday is less than the chance of snow on Saturday. Saturday Precipitation 75% 38°F/28°F Sunday Precipitation 45% 38°F/28°F
The chance of snow on Saturday is greater than on Sunday. Saturday Precipitation 75% 38°F/28°F Sunday Precipitation 45% 38°F/28°F
Is the chance of snow on Saturday greater than the chance of snow on Sunday? Saturday Precipitation 62% 38°F/28°F Sunday Precipitation 35% 38°F/28°F
Yes, the chance of snow on Saturday is greater than on Sunday. Saturday Precipitation 62% 38°F/28°F Sunday Precipitation 35% 38°F/28°F
Is the chance of rain on Thursday less than on Friday? Thursday Precipitation 70% 49°F/34°F Friday Precipitation 40% 49°F/34°F
No, the chance of rain on Thursday is greater than the chance of rain on Friday. Thursday Precipitation 70% 49°F/34°F Friday Precipitation 40% 49°F/34°F
Is the chance of snow on Tuesday greater than on Monday? Monday Precipitation 55% 38°F/28°F Tuesday Precipitation 25% 38°F/28°F
No, the chance of snow on Tuesday is less than on Monday. Monday Precipitation 55% 38°F/28°F Tuesday Precipitation 25% 38°F/28°F
The chance of a thunderstorm on Wednesday is greater than the chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday. Wednesday Thunderstorm 95% 55°F/42°F Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
The chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday is less than the chance of a thunderstorm on Wednesday. Wednesday Thunderstorm 95% 55°F/42°F Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
The chance of a thunderstorm on Friday is less than the chance on Saturday. Friday Thunderstorm 35% 55°F/42°F Saturday Thunderstorm 60% 55°F/42°F
The chance of a thunderstorm on Saturday is greater than the chance of a thunderstorm on Friday. Friday Thunderstorm 35% 55°F/42°F Saturday Thunderstorm 60% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Thursday is greater than for Wednesday. Wednesday Cloud Cover 30% 70°F/56°F Thursday Cloud Cover 70% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Wednesday is less than Thursday. Wednesday Cloud Cover 30% 70°F/56°F Thursday Cloud Cover 70% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Sunday is greater than the percentage of cloud cover for Monday. Sunday Cloud Cover 70% 70°F/56°F Monday Cloud Cover 45% 55°F/42°F
The percentage of cloud cover for Monday is less than the percentage of cloud cover for Sunday. Sunday Cloud Cover 70% 70°F/56°F Monday Cloud Cover 45% 55°F/42°F
Is the percentage of cloud cover for Sunday greater than for Monday? Sunday Cloud Cover 65% 70°F/56°F Monday Cloud Cover 40% 55°F/42°F
Yes, the percentage of cloud cover for Sunday is greater than the percentage of cloud cover for Monday. Sunday Cloud Cover 65% 70°F/56°F Monday Cloud Cover 40% 55°F/42°F
Is the percentage of cloud cover for Tuesday less than the percentage of cloud cover for Thursday? Tuesday Cloud Cover 55% 70°F/56°F Thursday Cloud Cover 12% 55°F/42°F
No, the percentage of cloud cover on Thursday is less than on Tuesday. Tuesday Cloud Cover 55% 70°F/56°F Thursday Cloud Cover 12% 55°F/42°F
Is the chance of a thunderstorm on Wednesday greater than the chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday? Wednesday Thunderstorm 95% 55°F/42°F Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
Yes, the chance of a thunderstorm on Wednesday is greater. Wednesday Thunderstorm 95% 55°F/42°F Thursday Thunderstorm 55% 55°F/42°F
Is the chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday greater than on Friday? Thurs day Thunderstorm 15% 55°F/42°F Friday Thunderstorm 45% 55°F/42°F
No, the chance of a thunderstorm on Thursday is less. Thurs day Thunderstorm 15% 55°F/42°F Friday Thunderstorm 45% 55°F/42°F