MS Phoenix WinNonLin Project Due 9/21/15 Non-compartment analysis (NCA) of simulated oral plasma data Everyone uses drug. Plot and Table
Integration of Kinetic and Physiological Concepts Lecture #12 Integration of Kinetic and Physiological Concepts
Clearance vs. V vs. t1/2 Increase V; Increase CL Decrease t1/2; Increase CL
k, t1/2 and AUC Unspoken Assumption: First Order Exponential Decay Kinetics
Future Current: Kinetics IV bolus dose We will Kinetics Extravascular Dose Constant-Rate Input Multiple-Doses Disease Non-linearities Drug Interactions
PK Parameters vs. Physiological Variables Primary PK Parameters Protein binding, enzyme activity, blood flows and partitioning Dose, V, CL, CLH, CLR, CLINT, dose, fu, blood-to-plasma equilibration ratio, Q, QR, QH Secondary PK Parameters Depend on Primary PK parameters Drug Concentrations, Rate Constants, AUC k = CL/V Observations AUC = Adose/CL CMAX = Adose/V Cu = fu (Adose/V)
Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH) High EH Clearance cannot exceed hepatic blood flow (QH) Low EH
Hepatic Extraction Ratio (Eh) Enzymatic Activity/Concentration (CLint) Hepatic Blood Flow (Qh) Protein Binding (fu)
Low EH (Sensitive to Enzyme Activity) Inhibitor opioid analgesic drug Inducer Rifpampin (Antibiotic) Troleandomycin (macrolide antibiotic) Cytochrome P450 3A4
Low EH (Sensitive to Enzyme Activity) Inhibited CLint =1 L/hr fu = 1 Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Induced Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH)
Low EH (Insensitive to hepatic blood flow (QH)) CLint =1 L/hr fu = 1 Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH)
low EH (Sensitive to Protein Binding) CLint =1 L/hr Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH)
low EH (Sensitive to k and t1/2) CLint =1 L/hr Elim. Rate Constant (k) Half time (t1/2)
high EH (Insensitive to Enzyme Activity) Heart Drug P450 Inducer Pentobarbital is a sedative. Pentobarbital Inhibitors? Cytochrome P450 (P450)
high EH (Insensitive to Enzyme Activity) Low Inhibition Recall: P450 Inhibitor P450 Inhibitor Cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor P450 = Cytochrome P450 synthetic opioid analgesic
high EH (Insensitive to Enzyme Activity) High Inhibition P450 inhibitor P450 = Cytochrome P450 synthetic opioid analgesic
High EH (Insensitive to Enzyme Activity) Induced Inhibited CLint =1000 L/hr fu = 1 Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH) Induced Inhibited
high EH (Sensitive to Blood Flow) Reduce QH Local Anesthetic Anti-hypertensive Anti-hypertensive
high EH (Sensitive to Blood Flow) CLint =1000 L/hr fu = 1 Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH)
high EH (Insensitive to Protein Binding) CLint =1000 L/hr Hepatic Clearance (CLH) Hepatic Extraction Ratio (EH)
high EH (Insensitive to k and t1/2) CLint =1000 L/hr Elim. Rate Constant (k) Half time (t1/2)
Hepatic Clearance (CLh) Summary Low Eh Sensitive to enzyme activity/concentration (CLint) Insensitive to hepatic blood flow (Qh) Sensitive to protein binding (fu) Sensitive to k and t1/2 High Eh Insensitive to enzyme activity/concentration (CLint) Sensitive to hepatic blood flow (Qh) Insensitive to protein binding (fu) Insensitive to k and t1/2
a b a b
Excretion Rate
fu vs. Renal Excretion Rate Total Filtration Rate Secretion Filtration Rate Glomerulus Filtration Rate
fu vs. “Renal Excretion Rate” Excretion Rate in units of clearance (volume/hour) diuretic
Total Secretion Filtration Excretion Rate in L/hr units Excretion Rate in mg/hr units
Renal Extraction Ratio (ER)
Constant ER Renal Extraction Ratio Excretion Rate Total Excretion Rate Filtration Rate Secretion Rate
Constant EH