Washington Update 2015 Annual Training Conference Indianapolis, Indiana October 5, 2015
Update: Appropriations (CDBG, HOME and homelessness) Affect of Possible HOME reduction National Housing Trust Fund Re-release of ESG regulations AFFH Rule Section 3 Importance of Advocacy COSCDA Trainings
FY 2016 Appropriations FY 2016 started on: October
Appropriations Process DISCRETIONARY PROGRAMS Overall spending limit: $$$$$$$$ (CAP) 12 Appropriations bills $$$$$$$ T-HUD bill Transportation and HUD Programs (Section 8, Public Housing, CDBG, HOME and Homeless)
Spending Cap – FY2016 Discretionary $1.017 trillion
HOUSE SENATE T-HUD Subcommittee Appropriations Committee Full House Full Senate Conference Committee President Signs
What’s next for FY16 T-HUD bill? T-HUD Subcommittee House Approps Comm Senate Approps Comm Full HouseFull Senate NO AGREEMENT BY OCTOBER 1, 2015 CONTINUING RESOLUTION
Appropriations Votes Before CR……. HOUSESENATE Appropriations Commmittee FY 2015 Funding CDBG$3.0 billion $2.9 billion$3.0 billion HOME$900 million $66 million $ 900 million Homeless Programs $2.185 billion $2.23 billion $2.13 billion
Continuing Resolution Amounts (Same as FY2015, but annualized) CDBG: $3.0 billion HOME: $900 million McKinney Vento Homeless: $2.13 billion
DEAL????? Cap increase? $1.017 trillion Ryan/Murray 2.0
Quiz: Effect of BCA Caps $1.014 Trillion (FY2015) CDBG HOME $3.06 billion$900 million
Quiz: Effect of BCA Caps $1.082 Trillion (FY2010) CDBG HOME $4.4 billion$1.8 billion
Rental Housing Assistance ????% of the HUD Funding
Affect of HOME Reduction
National Housing Trust Fund On tract to be funded next year (2016) States to administer Estimates of $200 million
Homelessness Re-release of the rules Emergency Solutions Grants (comments were due on August 3, 2015) Continuum of Care CoC NOFA
AFFH Rule AFFH Final Rule: July 16, 2015 AFH Local Tool: September 26, 2014 and July 16, 2015 AFH State Tool: COSCDA Task Force Working with HUD
Section 3 Reporting System Section 3 Performance Evaluation and Registry System (SPEARS) All submissions of 2013 and 2014 Section 3 summary reports must be submitted electronically no later than October 30, Section 3 proposed rule
Importance of Advocacy COSCDA in Washington Contact Congressional Representatives at home House and Senate Share the successes of our programs!!
Can’t Talk to Congress? Ask: local officials Mayors county executives housing developers (for-profit and non-profit) realtors rural housing developers tax credit syndicators homelessness advocates state and local housing advocacy organizations, etc.,
Families that live in CDBG, HOME or McKinney-Vento housing
Those benefiting…….
Key Congressional Contacts Senate: Thad Cochran (R-MISS) Susan Collins (R-ME) Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) Jack Reed (D-RI) Richard Shelby (R-AL) __________________________ House: Harold Rogers (R-KY) Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL) Nita Lowey (D-NY) David Price (D-GA) Jeb Hensarling (R-TX)
Ribbon Cutting!
Before and after pictures
Use of Local Media
COSCDA Academy Trainings CDBG Bootcamp Advanced CDBG CDBG Subgrantee ( Local Officials and Grant Administrators) Compliance Issues Housing 101 Homelessness Primer
Program Managers Conference March 14-15, 2016
Linda Thompson COSCDA Director of Advocacy and Federal Programs