DOF has been taking charge of the Animal Feed Quality Control Act 1982 and additional 1999 (only aquafeeds) since 1992 The roles of DOF are ensuring that feed milling companies comply with feed quality control of THAI Act and international standards The same general principle of “Food Safety” has been applied to “Feed Safety” into Thai commercial feed milling companies.
Catfish Freshwater Fish (Herbivorous) Freshwater Fish (Carnivorous) Freshwater prawn Marine shrimp Marine Fish (Carnivorous) Soft-shelled turtle Frog At present, DOF control aquafeeds for :
Types of aquafeeds must be registered are : Complete feed ( Formula feed ) Concentrate feed Premix ( additives ) Supplement ( protein, fat, vitamin, mineral) Types of Permission Licenses that are issued : Feed milling license Feed sale license Feed license Feed Importing permission license
Certificate of Free sale Certificate of Formula Certificate of Analysis Certificate of Product information Certificate of Health Certificate of Feed Milling Certificate of GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) Certificate of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) DOF promote the export trade of aquafeeds by inspecting and issue the certificates as follow :
Figure 1. Numbers of “Feed milling license” and “Feed importing permission license” divided by type of aquafeeds producing / importing
No. of manufacturer / importer Figure 2. Numbers of Feed Manufacturer and Importer divided by type of feed
Figure 3. Percentage of “Feed license (Formula feed)” divided by aquatic species Note : the number in brackets represent the number of license