Objectives List the 3 types of information gathered on the Vessel Information form Demonstrate ability to complete the Vessel Information form
Vessel Information 1 form for each trip Form in Observer Logbook Sections: Vessel characteristics Electronics Refrigeration / capacity Gear specific Information from license & captain
Electronics - GPS
Electronics - VMS VMS Presentation – Absolute Software
Electronics - Radar
Electronics - Sonar Images from SONAR:
Electronics - ADCP Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler Demer et al Fish.Res. 47
Electronics – Radio Beacon Direction Finder & Radio Beacons/Buoys
Electronics – GPS Buoys
Electronics – SST gauge
Trawl sensors
Activity Complete the blank Vessel Information form using information on the handout 10 minutes
Avatar 27 A777 54X39 LBR Monrovia, LBR LC-323 Z23-G Nan Smiley Monrovia, LBR Blaster B Onan 10 Hale REB Unknown Pullmaster H , m3/day
1 Samyung SGP Furuno Kw 1 Simrad ES60 single38
Summary How often should you complete the Vessel information form? What are 3 types of information collected on this form? Where do you get the information for this form?
References Demer, D. A., M. Barange, and A. J. Boyd Measurements of three-dimensional fish school velocities with an acoustic Doppler current profiler. Fisheries Research 47: Flewwelling, P., C. Cullinan, D. Balton, R. P. Sautter, and J. E. Reynolds Recent trends in monitoring, control and surveillance systems for capture fisheries. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 415, FAO, Rome.