Tyler Dudley ECL Book Sections , ,
Marine Resources Divided Regulations Seasons* Size Limits* All Fish* Prohibited Acts Bag Limits*
with summary Menhaden Licenses; prohibited acts. With a license obtained from the Dept Menhaden from which oil or meal is made can be taken. Each license covers one vessil and is issued to the name of the owner License Fee - 30 gross tons or less $25 - More than 30 or less than 200 gross tons $500 – More than 200 gross tons $2000
No person shall take Menhaden by purse seining except during the period Monday following the fourth of July and ending the third Friday of October. Operator of a Menhaden purse seine vessel shall report to the dept. 24 hours prior to entering the waters of the State, submit to the Dept a regular and timely report of their total harvest. Dept shall develop regulations six months from the affective date of this subdivision related to this reporting requirment.
Species of the order Squaliformes (Sharks) except in suborder Batoidea
Prohibited Acts; Sharks Prohibited acts: Finning-means removing a fin other than the caudal fin and not retaining the remainder of the shark carcass Prohibited on Marine and Coastal districts- unless the correct proportion of species, number and size of shark carcasses is possessed
The Dept. may take measures for the management of sharks including size limits, catch, bag limits, open and closed seasons closed areas, restrictions on the manner of taking-provided that regulations are no less restricted than requirements already set forth and are consistent with fishery management plans adopted by the Atlantic states marine fisheries commission.
Marine fish; Size limits of Marine fish, Sale of Marine Species Striped Bass, Short nose Sturgeon, Atlantic Sturgeon. All Short nose Sturgeon irrespective of size and all Atlantic Sturgeon under the size limits prescribed by regulations taken in gill nets shall be immediately returned to the water without any unnecessary injuries. Listed under another section mentioned in , mentions possession, transportation and sale of fish. Trout, Rainbow Trout, Atlantic Salmon, Black Bass, Walleye and Muskellunge shall not be bought and sold.
Recreational Size Limits Weak fish less than 12” Fluke or summer flounder and southern flounder less than 14” Atlantic Cod less than 9” Porgy or Scup less than 7” Black Sea bass less than 9” Winter Flounder less than 11” in length may not be taken by angling for recreational purposes
Commercial Size Limits Weak fish less than 7” Fluke or summer flounder and southern flounder less than 14” Atlantic Cod less than 12” Porgy or Scup less than 9” Black Sea bass less than 12” Blue Fish less than 9” Winter Flounder less than 11”in length may not be taken or possessed for commercial purposes – (any form of net, comb, dredge, or hook and line except angling)
Forked tailed fish My be squeezed together for maximum length with jaws closed Blue Marlin, White Marlin, Sailfish, Long Bill Spear Fish shall not be bought or sold or offered for sale Striped Marlin, Black Marlin, Short Bill Spear fish, shall not be bought, sold or offered for sale unless identified and tagged as such priority to entry into the state. Identification/tag shall include at a minimum the species of bill fish and the place of initial landing
The Dept. may use fixed regulation measures for the management of Atlantic Cod American Eel Atlantic and Short Nose sturgeon Atlantic Herring American Shad Blue Back Herring Squid Hickory Shad
This includes size limits, Catch, and possession limits, open and closed seasons provided that regulations are no less restricted than requirements already set forth and are consistent with fisheries management plans adopted by the Atlantic states Marine fisheries commission. Licenses shall be legally/financially responsible for the clean up off fish lost during any fishing or fish handling operations. Dept. with cooperation of Connecticut and Long Island shall regulate a resolution regarding commercial fishing.
Bag Limits/ Season Recreational American Eel season all year minimum length 6” daily limit 50/ Hudson 6’’-14” cant take over 14” no eel possessed for food allowed just for bait Blue Marlin Summer Flounder new rules coming in April season– bag– size limit-- Southern/ Winter Flounder 12” size limit 2 possession limit Season April 1 st through May 30th Blue Fish no minimum size limit for the first TL for the next 5 Bag limit 15 with no more than 5 less than 12 TL Season All Year Porgy or Scup new rules coming in April season– bag– size limit-- Weak Fish 16”/10” filleted/ 12” dressed for size limit possession limit 1 Season All Year Black Sea Bass New Rules coming in April season—Bag—Size limit-- Atlantic Cod 22” size limit 10 possession limit season all year Sail Fish Long Bill Sphere fish Striped Marlin Black Marlin Short nose Sturgeon Closed Possession Prohibited Atlantic Sturgeon Closed Possession Prohibited Atlantic Herring American Shad all year any size daily limit 3/ season closed and catch and release prohibited in Hudson river Blue Black Herring Hickory Shad doesn’t apply to Marine or Coastal August 1 st through November 30 th any size daily limit 5 Trout/Rainbow Trout April 1 st through October 15th any size daily limit 5 Lake Trout April 1 st through October 15 th 21” minimum daily limit 3 Atlantic Salmon April 1 st through October 15 th 15” minimum length daily limit 3 Black Bass 3 rd Saturday in June through November 30 th 12” minimum size limit daily limit 5 Walleye First Saturday in May through March 15 th Muskellunge 3 rd Saturday in June through November 30 th minimum size limit 30” daily limit 1 Sharks no bag or size limit season open all year