Oil spill response in the Arctic Norwegian experiences and future perspectives Maaike Knol Peter Arbo Norwegian College of Fishery Science University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway Arctic Energy Summit Akureyri, 8-10 October 2013
Objective The aim is to analyze the development and adequacy of the Norwegian oil spill response in the light of the northwards expansion of the petroleum industry in the Arctic, and to discuss the implications of the Norwegian experiences for future Arctic operations
Overview International agreements and cooperation Norway – Organization of oil spill response – Northwards expansion of petroleum activity – Oil spill response developments in the North Challenges ahead Cross-border issues Preliminary conclusions
Oil spill response in the Arctic: international agreements and cooperation OSPAR Convention Copenhagen agreement (Nordic countries) Bilateral OSR agreement Norway-Russia Arctic Council 2011 SAR Agreement (shipping) 2013 Agreement on cooperation on marine oil pollution preparedness and response in the Arctic
Northwards expansion of petroleum activity in Norway
Background: Northwards expansion of petroleum activity Arctic challenges: infrastructure, distances, darkness, ice, icing Concerns about the adequacy of oil spill response (OSR) networks – actors, equipment, material infrastructures, regulatory arrangements, crew Improvements in OSR form an obligatory passage point for oil companies to receive a license to operate
OSR responsibilities - Norway 1.Operating companies (organized in NOFO – Norwegian Clean Seas Association for Operating Companies) 2.Coastal communities (organized in inter-municipal committees) 3.The state (Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs - Coastal Administration)
Oil spill response in perspective Many actors involved; strong coordination required A market of large investments to prepare for an accident that is unlikely to happen Oil spill response as meeting point for business, environmental and regional interests Discovery of fields and opening of areas are main drivers for technological and organization innovation
Experiences from the North
Innovations in the North: involving fishermen Goliat - Hammerfest OSR contracts with fishermen Result of cooperation between Eni Norge, Statoil, NOFO and the Fishermen’s Association Technological innovation: oil booms that can be towed by fishing vessels (NOFI Tromsø)
Other innovations resulting from the development of the Goliat field Special beach cleaning task force (Eni, Statoil, NOFO, Arctic Protection AS) New equipment depots along the coast Infrared technology for early detection of spills
Challenges ahead Enough crew and equipment? Peripheral nature of Arctic coasts Lack of infrastructure Oil in/under ice Cross-border issues
Cross-border issues and the Arctic Council Arctic Council Kiruna 2013: “strengthen cooperation […] on oil pollution preparedness and response in the Arctic” Harmonization of standards and guidelines across borders: work in progress
Conclusion: Oil spill response in the Arctic The level of political controversy strongly influences OSR demands and developments Fuzzy boundaries between responsibilities of actors at different scales Needs and challenges of OSR in Arctic areas should be evaluated on a national and international level The Arctic Council has a potentially important role in coordinating cross-border harmonization
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