Developing with the Windows API Code Pack for.NET Framework
Microsoft Confidential
> Managed class library to access to Windows (7) features > Windows Shell namespace (supporting for Shell property system) > Taskbar Jumplists, Icon Overlay, Progress bar, Thumbnail, etc… > Windows Task Dialogs, Explorer Browser and other controls > Direct3D 11.0 and DXGI 1.0/1.1 APIs > Sensor Platform APIs > Extended Linguistic Services APIs > Windows Restart Manager > Power APIs > Other…. >
Version announcing
Main Features > Overlay icons & progress bars > Jump lists (destinations, tasks) > Thumbnail toolbars > Custom thumbnails > Tabbed thumbnails Design Tip > Build a great Taskbar Icon > Forget about Quick Launch and the system tray
IObjectCollection* poc =...; IShellLink* task =...; Poc->AddObject(task); ICustomDestinationList* pcdl =...; Pcdl->BeginList(...); IObjectArray* poa =... poc; Pcdl->AddUserTasks(poa); Pcdl->CommitList(); IObjectCollection* poc =...; IShellLink* task =...; Poc->AddObject(task); ICustomDestinationList* pcdl =...; Pcdl->BeginList(...); IObjectArray* poa =... poc; Pcdl->AddUserTasks(poa); Pcdl->CommitList(); JumpList jl =...; jl.AddUserTasks( params IJumpListTask[] tasks); JumpList jl =...; jl.AddUserTasks( params IJumpListTask[] tasks);
UINT wm_tbc = RegisterWindowMessage( "TaskbarButtonCreated"); MSG m; GetMessage(..., &m); if (m.message == wm_tbc) { ITaskbarList3* ptl =...; THUMBBUTTON btn = {...}; ptl->ThumbBarAddButtons(m.hWnd, 1, &btn); } UINT wm_tbc = RegisterWindowMessage( "TaskbarButtonCreated"); MSG m; GetMessage(..., &m); if (m.message == wm_tbc) { ITaskbarList3* ptl =...; THUMBBUTTON btn = {...}; ptl->ThumbBarAddButtons(m.hWnd, 1, &btn); } WinForms: AddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WinForms: AddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons)
DwmSetWindowAttribute(...,DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP,...); DwmSetWindowAttribute(...,DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION,...); /* in the WndProc */ case WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL: HBITMAP hbm =...; DwmSetIconicThumbnail(hwnd, hbm,...); DwmSetWindowAttribute(...,DWMWA_HAS_ICONIC_BITMAP,...); DwmSetWindowAttribute(...,DWMWA_FORCE_ICONIC_REPRESENTATION,...); /* in the WndProc */ case WM_DWMSENDICONICTHUMBNAIL: HBITMAP hbm =...; DwmSetIconicThumbnail(hwnd, hbm,...); TabbedThumbnailManager ttm =...; ttm. AddThumbnailPreview(TabbedThumbnail preview) TabbedThumbnailManager ttm =...; ttm. AddThumbnailPreview(TabbedThumbnail preview)
WinForms AddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WinForms AddButtons(IntPtr windowHandle, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons) WPF: AddButtons(UIElement control, params ThumbnailToolbarButton[] buttons)
WinForms TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon( IntPtr windowHandle, System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText) WPF TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon( System.Windows.Window window, System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText) WinForms TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon( IntPtr windowHandle, System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText) WPF TaskbarManager.SetOverlayIcon( System.Windows.Window window, System.Drawing.Icon icon, string accessibilityText)
IShellLibrary *pIShelLibrary; HRESULT hr = SHCreateLibrary( IID_PPV_ARGS(&pIShelLibrary)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellItem *pIShellItem; SHAddFolderPathToLibrary(pIShelLibrary, L"C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents"); hr = pIShelLibrary- >SaveInKnownFolder(FOLDERID_Libraries, L"My New Library", LSF_MAKEUNIQUENAME, &pIShellItem); pIShellItem->Release(); pIShelLibrary->Release(); } IShellLibrary *pIShelLibrary; HRESULT hr = SHCreateLibrary( IID_PPV_ARGS(&pIShelLibrary)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { IShellItem *pIShellItem; SHAddFolderPathToLibrary(pIShelLibrary, L"C:\\Users\\Public\\Documents"); hr = pIShelLibrary- >SaveInKnownFolder(FOLDERID_Libraries, L"My New Library", LSF_MAKEUNIQUENAME, &pIShellItem); pIShellItem->Release(); pIShelLibrary->Release(); } ShellLibrary library = new ShellLibrary(name, true) library.Add(folderPath); ShellLibrary library = new ShellLibrary(name, true) library.Add(folderPath);
> Managed class library to access to Windows (7) features > Windows Shell namespace (supporting for Shell property system) > Taskbar Jumplists, Icon Overlay, Progress bar, Thumbnail, etc… > Windows Task Dialogs, Explorer Browser and other controls > Direct3D 11.0 and DXGI 1.0/1.1 APIs > Sensor Platform APIs > Extended Linguistic Services APIs > Windows Restart Manager > Power APIs > Other…. >
Q2 / Q Ver 2.0 Expanded Shell API coverage Ver 1.5 Fundamentals Mar 2010 Ver – Bug-fixes Nov 2009 Ver Initial release Aug 2009 Ver Preview June 2009
Built by Developers for Developers….
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